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Adjustments to fall damage needed

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Well I fell off the roof of the hospital in Cherno yesterday and IRL I would have died but only broke my leg in DayZ...

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I full-heartedly agree with this (and almost started my own thread). I was freshly spawned on the outskirts of what I believed to be Chernogorsk, had made it long enough to defend myself, whilst on the run from zombies and ended up dying...from a 3-4 foot drop from the dock ledge, onto some sand...


Weight was out of the question, as I barely had time/room to fit much, health-wise I was attacked, but bandaged immediately; so moderately healthy. I had full saturation in vision, yet met with an untimely "You Are Dead" screen. This isn't the first time this has happened of course, but I feel this scenario was the most ridiculous. No doubt that some scaled punishment should be applied to falls (ideally, greater than 8 feet), but certainly not an insta-death. I would accept my fate of, say, a 2nd-story fall if it were broken bones - perhaps bleeding from such a case, but not this.


I only hope this is something they take into account and not disregard as a part of the engine.


HUURR DURR indeed...

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Agreed. In those two floor barns, I jumped off HALF of the bottom stairs... and died instantly. 

Same, I was also crouchin and being careful/stealthy at the time.

Pro-tip: Don't go in Barns...EVER

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I crawled next to a tree and exploded. Are you going to attribute that to fall damage as well?

I don't know why but picturing this in my head made me laugh.

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As a new player I should have read up on fall damage in this game before playing... I died falling off HALF of the first (glitchy) staircase of Devils Castle. I was trying to look at some boots sticking up through the floor and just slipped off... Fell 5 feet and died instantly. That's pretty rough... Knowing what I know now I'm never going to use stairs that don't have railings and I'm never going to touch ladders.


LOVE the game so far though.

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By the way, anybody seen the video of the guy jumping off the apartment roof and taking no damage? He collides with a tree on the way down and then lands on a car... 0 damage taken haha. Hyper realism ftw.

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So I don't know about anyone else here, but I'm pretty confident that I can step off a height of five feet and land without collapsing in a heap and falling unconcious.

I understand the dynamic of the damage system in use, but really, either it needs to be improved or things such as fall damage need to be reassessed.


Yeah, I think the fall damage/distance still needs to be tweaked.  I literally just fell 4 feet (no momentum) and died.

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