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Looking for 1 or 2 more player to join my squad of 3

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We only need 2 more players to join our group of 3. We need a sniper/overwatch player, and a vehicle driver/engineer. We accept all ages above 12, although 14 or older is better. Fill out the app below, if you are accepted, I will send you our Teamspeak information through Skype.

App -

Name: (IGN and IRL)



Teamspeak: Yes/No

Can you fly and drive?: Yes/No

Squad Role: (CQC, Driver, Sniper, Scout, etc)

Experience 1-10:


Hours you play per day:

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Name: (IGN and IRL) BigAl / Alex

Age: 16

Skype: RuneKeep

Teamspeak: Yes

Can you fly and drive?: Yes

Squad Role: (CQC, Driver, Sniper, Scout, etc): I am a sniper/medic

Experience 1-10: 9

Country: Merica! haha :D

Hours I play: 6

Hey I really want to play with you guys. So please send me a Skype request soon!

Edited by Bigal123

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Name: (IGN and IRL): Justin



Teamspeak: Yes

Can you fly and drive?: Both

Squad Role: Any role Skilled in all

Experience 1-10: 7.5-8.5


Hours you play per day: Too many but i don't mind

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Name: (IGN and IRL) Kyle



Teamspeak: Yes

Can you fly and drive?: Yes

Squad Role: (CQC, Driver, Sniper, Scout, etc) doesnt matter

Experience 1-10: 5


Hours you play per day:2-3 more if i had someone to play with.

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