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[DoV] Descendants of Valor -- Open Recruitment

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[DoV] Descendants of Valor

Hello there!

The Descendants of Valor are looking for mature players to join our team. We are looking for honorable players who enjoy this game and play daily. We are a non-bandit clan and have strict rules against hacking/scripting and duplicating items. We are an international, mixed gender team with player ages ranging from 14 to 50. Players from every country are encouraged to join, but you must be able to speak English somewhat. We speak on our own TS server and we prefer players age 20+, but are willing to make exceptions for anyone who can maintain a level of maturity.

We currently are playing on a server rented by one of our clan members for Chernarus, but we do also play on other maps such as Namalsk. We also enjoy a variety of other games which we play during some down time. If you are interested please click the nice little link below to get to our site and fill out an application!

Hope to hear from you soon!



Edited by Bevelle

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applied. waiting for admin to approval.

/retracted application

Edited by karas89
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It might be best to have you both do separate applications so we get to know you both better :)

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Application in. Looking forward to seeing how all this turns out. ;)

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applied. waiting for admin to approval.

What this guy said.

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I just got banned from their server because there was a hacker in there and i wasnt a part of their clan.... I dont hack and have spent countless hours setting up my camp on their server and now I am absolutely banned for no reason...

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