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Being a good person - bandit style

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This whole thing started with me wanting to blow off some steam after having what could be described as the shittiest weekend of my life

And what's the best game to piss off other people and have fun while doing so? DayZ of course!!

Joined in and took my bycicle on a search for a victim at the coast

I noticed a lone survivor in a hero skin standing next to a flipped ATV on a bridge at Nyzhnoye

He was desperately looking for someone in the side chat to drive his vehicle to him and help him turn over the stranded ATV

Since he only had a PDW on him I figured that it'd be a waste of ammo if I'd put him down right on the spot

So I waited....and this guy actually convinced 2 players to drive all the way up the coast in order to help him

After a boring 30 minutes of lying on a hill both of them arrived

One in a bus

The other one in a pickup truck

Bingo! The motherload!

My M107 went out of my backpack into my hand

Zeroed in, took the first shot - dead pickup driver falling out of the door

Second shot, dead bus driver falling onto the ground

So far so good, here comes the "good person" part

I spared the guy with the ATV and told him to grab what he wants and get the hell out before I poke a hole into his chest with my lovely rifle

It actually led to those 2 morons believing him to be a traitor who set them up

After calling me a complete psycho he proceeded to loot a shiny AS50 from the corpses and moved on - so much for his white knight hero skin

Lacking only 2 rounds in my magazine I decided to log out for the day after driving another 3km with my bycicle

Edited by Hawk24
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Thats good man. I play like that on occasion.

Last night on my little murder rampage i pulled up to a survivor and told him to hop in. 5 seconds later i realised this guy had the audacity to try and take some of my gear from my SUV. So much for me trying to be nice, so i run him over and get my beans back.

Your story is much better though, you have my beans good sir.

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bandit style = gangman style , sexy lady legs!!!!

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