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[HACKER] He dies and spawns with same stuff

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Today I was playing DayZ with my clan (6 people). It was on a private server.

Everything was fun and we had amazing gear. 1 URAL, 3 UAZ, 1 car and 1 mini bus.

Everyone had good weopons and alice backpacks.

We got a nice base that were very hiden. It was in the top left corner of the map in a valley, and the cars were placed in the leaves so they were less visual.

So the chance of finding that place were extreamly hard.

Now the hacker strikes.

Two days before there were a hacker on the server, he killed 4 people with 2 shots. And we weren't that close each other.

The hacker that were on the server today were even more cruel.

We killed him twice and after each time he teleported 10meters from us and had the same gear every time. He had ghillie suit, AS50, and a ton of other good stuff.

After that he telled us in the direct chat that he bought some hacks and he teleported every vehicles on the server to him and some people.

Please ban this guy before he continues!!!

HIS NAME IS: SirLanzelot

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Just a heads up: scripters can use any name they like and impersonate other players - best trick is to get in touch with the server admin so they can look at his GUID and see if he leaves anything in the logs.

Other good trick is to get fraps, dxtory, msi afterburner so you can just press a button and log anything.

Hope the guy gets caught and banned!

Edited by Loque

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