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forum troll 4162

very small Centre for Disease Control faction

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Because no zombie mod is complete without a morally ambiguous government faction.

Either randomly selected players or players with humanity stat high enough can reroll as a CDC character. Emphasis on extremely limited numbers, like 5 per server.

The group have full military gear and access to one Styker or Venom (random selection), with no chance of vehicle refuel or resupply.

Emphasis would be on extremely high risk vs reward. I'm not sure what "reward" you can use for performing well but killing survivors nets you a high negative reward, and killing bandits&zombies gets you a slight positive reward. You could extend it so that killing survivors who had weapons equipped doesn't harm your standing. Maybe handing out supplies, or using an inoculation item on survivors can get you high postive reward.

If the game can detect when a player character has a bloodstain texture applied to their model you could have it so that killing someone with an injury (potential infectee) nets you a high reward and gives reason for survivors to fear them. They'll also be a target for bandits as CDC is out to kill them and bandits can try getting their gear.

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What's stopping people from doing this now?

I'm sure it could be done without getting free handouts. Something like this would actually be pretty fun to do once you've got all high end gear and nothing else to do. Seems the only difference would be no unique skins for the "Government Officials". But if they ever implement a system where you can choose your own skins there's really nothing stopping people from doing this type of scenario on their own without any nudge from the mod itself.

I think this is what the devs ultimately want. People making up their own factions with their own plots, objectives, and back stories. And you already seem to have got those down, so I ask again...

What's stopping you from doing this now?

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What he said. Use your imagination, you can pretty much do such thing now. Make a story, like, for instance;

You were sent to the island as mercs for big bucks, to return some data/weapons (Like M107), and rescue a merc team that has been sent before but lost contact. The pilot of your choper was infested from the alst trip and he starts going wild, spinning the chopper uncontrollably... all passengers, including you drop out over the sea so he wouldnt kill you, while the zombie pilot manages to crashland somewhere...

Your task now is to survive... lost all your weapons and gear swimming to the beach because it was too heavy. Find the chopper (and fix it), necesarry equipment, clear the island of bandits and zombies, return to the homeland, and make sure you tell nobody what happened.

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This is just not a good idea I think. There's much more reward in getting the best gear and forming a proper kill team with mates over vent and go about it the "right" way than putting five people into an elite position just becuase they didn't kill anyone. To me it just sounds like you are pissed at outlaw bandits who kill people and want an easy way to get back at them.

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You need to open your mind. Most of the gameplay suggestions here are already possible in the current gamestate. This mod provides all you need for such things that you suggest(except the armored vehicles). Why waste time to implement such things and make them an inescapable aspect of the game. What I like in this Mod is that all the stuff you do is your choice. If you want to be in a paramilitary group just found one and set youself the goal to defend other friendly survivors from all the evil in chernarus. You just have to search for some members and weapons on your own and thats no argument for an pre designed, well equiped über squad like this.

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If the game is in another country besides the US, why would there be a CDC? I think what you mean is the World Health Organization. Also, the CDC doesn't use guns or anything. They are scientists and doctors and paper pushers.

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