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Stuck at "setup complete, please wiat..." in new maps (the snow one namalsk)

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Everytime i'm trying to join this map (the only one i downloaded) i get the message "setup complete,please wait..." and i can't play.

In this moment i'm still waiting, i think i'm 5 min waiting but still nothing :( anyone have a solution for this problem?

PS: i can play the normal map with no problems is only this one that i can't join

sorry for bad english and thanks in advance :)

Edited by nivo92

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Which map? What server are you trying to join? And have you tried to join more than that one server?

EDIT: Nvm Namalsk didnt see that first time.

What server are you trying to join? And have you tried to join more than that one server?

Edited by Rooneye

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Which map? What server are you trying to join? And have you tried to join more than that one server?

EDIT: Nvm Namalsk didnt see that first time.

What server are you trying to join? And have you tried to join more than that one server?

In the meantime i have notice that if i try to join a server without dayz commander but in normal game in the chat appears that i have some missing files, i just repaired the map through dayz commander and now i can join the server :D!

PS: only in normale game because with dayz commander pops out "wrong version etc..."

sorry for bad english and thanks for the fast response XD

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In the meantime i have notice that if i try to join a server without dayz commander but in normal game in the chat appears that i have some missing files, i just repaired the map through dayz commander and now i can join the server :D!

PS: only in normale game because with dayz commander pops out "wrong version etc..."

sorry for bad english and thanks for the fast response XD

So you have it all working now then?

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So you have it all working now then?

Yep is all working even in dayz commander (some server show false info i think, i mean the version of the arma 2 patch etc...)

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Yep is all working even in dayz commander (some server show false info i think, i mean the version of the arma 2 patch etc...)

Yeah it definitely does do that. You're right.

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