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Looking to Join a Clan/Group

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Hi, I am looking to join a clan or group.

I have played at least 10 hours and have collected quite a few items, I would love to join and make new friends!

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You are welcome to play with my friend and I if you want. We have just started recruiting new players :)

my steam: Snicktrix

Cant wait to play :D

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Check out our DayZ clan website, We are recruiting alot of players, and you can branch off of us into your own groups and support the clan with whatever skills you have, the more you play with us the more privaleges you recieve on our website, hope to hear from ya good luck http://clan.iclanwebsites.com/runzw1ths1zz3rz/

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Hi me and a group of fiends started a group called humanity's last and we have lost a few of them due to warz so we are now recruiting i have many experience in this game as a sniper but we are looking for whatever medic,assault ,another sniper whatever u feel like being if you are interested just reply to this. looking forward to your response.

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Been playing with these guys for a few months now, great group of guys, jump on our ts server and say hi! Dont forget to tell them captain rhodes sent ya!


Server IP: TS3 IP:

Looking for a heavily Admined DayZ Server with 160 + vehicles, planes, choppers, new cars, and much more. Large maps for groups to setup camps and not get them destroyed or looted quickly. We do not tolerate hackers or cheating of any kind. Our Admins will check logs and will be playing daily. Currently playing Panthera Island.

Join us on our TS server you wont be dissappointed!


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Sorry but I don't know anything about you so I cant join with you!

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