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Zombie ideas

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So i have this idea that the infected would work a little diffrent to most other zombie games,i don't know if this is possible but the arma engine is a really good engine so i'm just spitfiring here.

1. Insted of zombies walking around fences they woul try to run over them but fall over them.

now this video is bad but this is what i think it should look like.

Edited by MaGxNerdy
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Beans for the idea and the video lawl

you are from balota buddies?

whats your name on the forum?

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The fences should also break when enough zombies hit it at the same time. :D

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The fences should also break when enough zombies hit it at the same time. :D

OMG yes i would love to rape train zombies just to see that.

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