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johnny0964 (DayZ)

Recruitin for a survivor group

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I am recruiting for a survivor group known as The New Union. Anyone is welcome to join. We are beginner to intermediate players, and would also welcome expert players for advice. Mics are not required, but it would be easier for us for everyone to have one.In your application, place your age, experience (beginner, intermediate, etc.), what job you would like in the group, and what specialties you have (examples: stealth, good eye, good sense of hearing, superior offensive tactics, etc.). Anyone can join, we just want to know what you're good at. Here is the job list: Scavengers: searches for food, drinks, weapons, etc.

Guards: guards our territories from attack

Snipers: Obviously snipes people that may seem like a threat.

Pilots: Pilot our transport helicopters.

Drivers: Same thing as pilots, but on the ground with vehicles

Recruiters: Set out to the open world and finds new recruits for us.

Explorers: These people set out and find new areas for us to live in.

Fortifiers: These unique people of the union are one of the most important. These people fortify the places we live in, and make sure they're safe.

Edited by johnny0964

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Hello sir, this does indeed sound interesting; and I am interested in joining.

Age: 15 (fairly young I know)

Experience: I would say I am in between intermediate and expert, I have played Dayz for some time now; and I can handle myself, and I have played countless hours of Arma 2 itself.

Job Interest: I can do either sniping, or piloting; when i mentioned the amount of time spent on the actual game... that was mainly dedicated to practicing my sniping and piloting. (I can do what ever you need me to do however).

Specialties: I have a lot of skill with stealth, and remaining calm in difficult situations.Also, when it comes to piloting; i am very skilled at landing, and lifting off quickly and safely, and i am especially good at piloting the UH-1H Heuy, which is the helicopter in Dayz.



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I'm 19 y/o and Canadian. I have been playing Dayz for five months now, and would classify myself as a experienced intermediate. I love sniping, that's what I do in all of the fps's I play, everything I know is sniping. I am very stealthy, and I have an amazing gut feeling with this game, I'm an expert at knowing if people are in the towns I want to raid and also I have great ears. I don't mind tent hunting, and will love to explore for new spots to find tents. I am also a great strategic planner.

If you have anymore questions please feel free to msg me on the forums.



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I'm younger than the both of you, so I will definitely be the one learning from the experience. Not too young that I have no idea what I'm doing though. Add me on steam: johnny0964. Also, for some reason, the steam group is currently not public (I believe.) Will fix that soon.

Edited by johnny0964

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Hello, i am 15 y/o and i have been playing dayz for a bit now some im a intermediate player, i am pretty good at scavenging, i usually get into where i need to go, grab what i can, (maybe kill a few zombies on the way) and then get out, i would like to join your group, because playing dayz alone sucks

Steam name is Sgt. Hartman

Edited by thatguy335

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