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Armbands as a item not skin

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Ok im not suggesting "adding armbands" like everyone else says but im talking about a feature from armbands that could be added. this could also tie into clothes and such.

I think it would be easier to explain this by presenting a example...

  • Your in a group of two and are pursuing a large group of survivors and are able to kill two out of the 5 or 6 players before they escape in vehicles and that group doesn't know if the others are alive or not
    • Now with what im suggesting you can take their clothes and armbands and presumably pose as members of the group and say you got away if you catch up with them. If they let you get close enough then you can kill them unless they notice you aren't their group members.
      • this all is under the assumption the server doesn't have name tags enabled.
      • But maybe you could have it were if you can find out the name of the person you killed you could have the name tag as that person for until you log off?

So Thats my suggestion and please criticize and suggest tweaks to this idea constructively :)

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Armbands arn't a terrible idea - but I think I would prefer something like this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/19099-hey-i-know-you/, or this: http://dayzmod.com/forum/index.php?/topic/101579-perma-identity-nickname-is-permanent-nickname-as-face-cover-face-conceal-nickname/ as a means to identify other players.

Edited by Hoik

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Did anyone find themselves tilting their heads to the left as they read further into the post or am I the only one?

Yeah, I don't see how custom clothes isn't enough. Now we have to have armbands!

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My neck hurts. The only arm bands i would like to see are the ones for us medics and custom ones for clans, it would make the wasteland a safer place knowing a certain group was coming my way as i could hide while they passed.

Good idea on armbands, everytime it is suggested i hope rocket and co see's it.

OP if a team has gone to lengths for arm bands then they will surely know their own!! chances are they are all on TS, so if they see you coming and following them they are gonna open up on you pretty quickly.

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I don't know any groups that don't use TS and know when their members have died, lol. I can't see this working ever, would be completely redundant in game.

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