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{PIITB} Raptor

Custom Vehicles, NPCs, Join the fight! - TX 69 Dallas (PIITB) [rMod] (v1.7.3) [Veteran 3DP:ON CH:ON][GMT-9]

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rMod install guide: http://www.tunngle.n...rivate-servers/

TX 69 just got their rMod server going tonight! We need help, the Russian government has come ashore and is cleansing the infection (the Russian way). We need help holding on to what is ours! Join tonight, help us keep Chernarus Free!

This server is normally whitelisted, after this weekend the whitelist will go back online!




Teamspeak 3: PIITB.KICKS-ASS.NET (PORT:9987)

Help us take back whats ours!

Kamenka has been taken over by the Russian Army! That's right hostile NPC's with unique loot not found elsewhere in DayZ. Custom Vehicles have been added, custom guns are in, Play with us tonight!

Edited by {PIITB} Raptor

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WHATS THE PORT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

edit ehh nvm, ill get on if you tell me the port, but not if you dont

Edited by Perigrin

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THIS IS THE MOST AMAZING SERVER EVER. IT HAS AI DEFENDED AREAS (2 ATM, I'M HOPING FOR MORE). This is the most fun I have EVER HAD on DayZ. Friends and I are constantly assaulting the outposts, come on, and ask for Striker.

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