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Looking for 2-3 man group to play Namalsk

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Just looking for 1-2 players to join me and play on Namalsk. I don't really want to join a 10+ member clan, so no copy paste bullshit. You must have Skype and a mic, and basic knowledge of the game. Just post your Skype name, and i'll add you.

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My friend and I both have mics and Skype, we've each been playing for a good 2-3 months. He's Scottish and I myself am Russian so you can have a translator if we decide to play basic Chernarus as well.

My Skype is edward.smakov and his is (edit later)

I can't play immediatley because my computer slows down when I'm rendering video, but my friend Bazul is usually on at around 8pm Uk time.

Edited by Molotov

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im down to play if you have 3-4 players together.. been playing for almost 6 months

Edited by Axxassin

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im down to play if you have 3-4 players together.. been playing for almost 6 months

I'd rather play with 3.

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Hey, looking for a consistent group to play with. I'm fine with small groups. Good amount of experience and knowledge of the map. skype name is "Ziggabot" Just contact me if you wanna play


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Im also looking for a group atm, been playing dayz since June. I'm intersted in joining. Send me a pm to let me know. cheers!

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