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Where to go?

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Hello. I always start off with going to cherno or elektro to get some basic gear. then I move on to stary to get some loot and after that i move to NW airfield.

But I seem to only go to these two places? Anywhere else to go to get some good loot?

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Berezino is always over looked. It has a hospital, 2 supermarkets a military camp loads of residential spawns, a few deerstands on the outskirts and it's near the coast which if great if you have a PBX. It's the best city for gearing up IMO.

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i fear that if you want military gear you will have to go there, if not you could see NEA, berezino as already suggested, or all those little villages where you could find a vehicle. i personally search for deerstands and if you go in a enough big number of them you can also find good stuff..

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We start off by hitting cherno for the military gear in the tents behind the hospital and the firestation, then we usually hit the airbase to get weapons and ammo, then we focus on finding viehcles, once u have a viehcle aslong as ur very careful when driving it, the rest of the game becomes alot easier, as u can shoot over to berezino fast, hit the 2 shops for tents, hit the residential for ghillie suits. hit the small military base there. Berezino is a nice place cause its not as dangerous as Cherno/Elektro for bandit snipers, although many have this same idea so there are times when u hear the bullets zipping over your head :P

Gives you the ability to set up a base and move back n forth easily with it. We tend to try and get at least 3 viehcles incase one break downs tho

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