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looking to jump back in... and a team to help

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Hey. I am looking for either another person or a small group of people to play dayz with. I played a lot when the game came out but when the issues with the tents reached an all time high I stopped playing. Don't care about the server or whether not we are helping or hunting survivors, all i ask is for maturity and somewhat authentic game play (i.e not just running around shooting zombies in the face and running screaming back into the woods). i am a pretty decent player and can play virtually any time of day. Just be trustworthy (lol that's a joke) and be relaxed. Not that it matters but i am in my mid-twenties, so this is just a 6 year old posting looking for friends.

PM me and hopefully we can get something going.

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Yo man, if your interested in joining our clan then pm me with your skype name and we can talk on there.

You can also take a look at our clan thread by clicking on the image in my sig below.



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