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{DeF} Clan Recruitment - AUS/NZ

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Looking for people to join newly formed clan {DeF}...

All players welcome to apply...New to DayZ or Vets! All you gotta do is fill out the following questions and ill get back to you through PM...



Steam Name




Bandit, Hero or Survivor?

What kind of role do you like to play(Infantry, Sniper etc)?

Reaction when killed in PVP?

Reaction when betrayed?

What can you bring to the group?

How often do you play?

How long have you been playing?

Do you have teamspeak?

Do you have Skype?

Do you have a Mic?

Are you in a different clan/group?

What would you do if you saw a clan member betray the group?

When are you available to play?

Question or comments?

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Name: Jonathan De Raedt

IGN: Jonathan

Steam Name: acsanzi

Email: jonathan@acsbaits.nl

Age: 16

Country: Belgium

Bandit, Hero or Survivor?: Just started out

What kind of role do you like to play(Infantry, Sniper etc)?: Something not to intensive. Maybe a medic or mechanic.

Reaction when killed in PVP?: "Oh f*ck I just died. Where do we meet up again?"

Reaction when betrayed?: Mad but I can live with it.

What can you bring to the group?: Well since I'm new not much (yet). I learn fast.

How often do you play?: Weekends all day. Normal days from 5 till 11 pm

How long have you been playing?: 4 hours

Do you have teamspeak?:Yes.

Do you have Skype?:Yes.

Do you have a Mic?:Yes.

Are you in a different clan/group?: No. Not really.

What would you do if you saw a clan member betray the group?: Report it to a supervising member.

When are you available to play?In the evenings.

Question or comments?: Don't be harsh on my sometimes i have a laggy problem. And I'm new as i said.

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Dude, its AUS and NZ servers only...What kinda ping you get from them?

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Name wabbit

IGN wabbit

Steam Name wabbit

Email wabbit@gmail.com

Age 27

Country england (i get between 80 and 150 ping)

Bandit, Hero or Survivor? go with the flow and let the environment dictate my play, probably survivor but I am frequently changing skins depending on the situation, I kill if i'm threatened and I help others where I can

What kind of role do you like to play(Infantry, Sniper etc)? scout

Reaction when killed in PVP? with mild amusement up to furious anger, but usually directed at myself and whatever i did wrong to end up dead and I try to learn from it.

Reaction when betrayed? I don't sweat it, in fact I'm grateful that I found out the dude was an arsehole and won't have to waste more time on him. there's always next time and it's surprising how often this game gives you the chance to even old scores

What can you bring to the group? sharp eyesight and honesty

How often do you play? as often as rl allows, 10 - 30 hrs a week

How long have you been playing? 3 months

Do you have teamspeak? yep

Do you have Skype? yep

Do you have a Mic? yep

Are you in a different clan/group? nope

What would you do if you saw a clan member betray the group? I'd join in and assist him, befriend him then betray him right back to the group

When are you available to play? GMT depends on rl, usually play late in the night - early hours but it really varies

Edited by wabbit

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