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Starting a group of 5 people!

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Starting a group of 5 people!

Hi, I'm Joey, 16 years from The Netherlands and I'm looking for some players to play on some Private Hives, and maybe some deathmatch servers if it is busy there. First, answer these questions:

Age (15+):

Where are you from (Europe):

From 1-10, how experienced are you:

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle:

Can you follow orders and tactics:

How long do you play dayz:

Other stuff about yourself:

Do you have a mic and skype:

If i think you are one of those other 4-5 people, i will PM you with my skype.


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Age (15+):16

Where are you from (Europe):Belgium

From 1-10, how experienced are you:8

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle:Say "damn" and think about what I could have done better in order to make my chances of survival bigger :).

Can you follow orders and tactics:Yes I have done it before as long as the orders are clear.

How long do you play dayz:alot couple of hours a day.

Other stuff about yourself:I game alot :D

Do you have a mic and skype:Yes
Edited by slorgos

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Age (15+):16

Where are you from (Europe):Belgium

From 1-10, how experienced are you:1

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Come back and try to loot my corpse.

Can you follow orders and tactics:Yes

How long do you play dayz:4 hours

Other stuff about yourself:I'm pretty new but I've seen lots of videos.

Do you have a mic and skype:Yes I do.

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IL go and make a cup of tea then get back in and gear up


2 hours

I want to play in a squad, solo gets boring

yes i do

Edited by jorro0121

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Age (15+):15

Where are you from (Europe):great Brittan

From 1-10, how experienced are you: assuming 10 is highly experienced 10

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: shit happens man

Can you follow orders and tactics: yeah i guess

How long do you play dayz: long time when i start

Other stuff about yourself: im a hero but if i have to bust some skulls so be it, i love to hunt bandits and snipe

Do you have a mic and skype:
yeah cant have a team and not have a mic

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Age (15+):27

Where are you from (Europe):Russia

From 1-10, how experienced are you:8

What will you do if you die in a gunfight : Depends on situation, how far if from spawn or what i loose and many other aspects.

Can you follow orders and tactics:Yes. If you know what you doing.

How long do you play dayz: dont remember exacly....long....started shortly after it started. But played zombie mods arma 1-2 and even Flashpoint long before. And core games too.

Other stuff about yourself: Long story there.....hate tiping call me in skype and ask all you want.

Do you have a mic and skype:Yes. Alucardum there allso.

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Age (15+):17

Where are you from (Europe): England

From 1-10, how experienced are you: 9 (been playing for over 11 Months)

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Join a empty or near empty server restock as quick as possible and dive back in :)

Can you follow orders and tactics: yes sir, as long as they aren't silly

How long do you play dayz: In a day 2 hours or so, but sometime i can be on for MUCH LONGER! and i been playing since January this year I believe

Other stuff about yourself: About myself, Um I am not sure in what term, but in gaming I tend to be very serious at people when it needed other than that I am pretty light hearted and funny guy and like to think things through before acting on them, I like to take a good look at my situation and plan the best route in and out with the less risks involved.

In my current situation I don’t have too much time to play but I am able to get on nearly every day. The is due to college L

If you are interested to play with me I be on from 9 AM – 3 PM UK time tomorrow.

Do you have a mic and skype: Yes I have a gaming headset, and my skype is kokian6

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Age (15+): 17

Where are you from (Europe): Florida, US.

From 1-10, how experienced are you: 3-4 :c

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Respawn!

Can you follow orders and tactics: No problem.

How long do you play dayz: I play a for a few hours on weekdays and 24/7 weekends.

Other stuff about yourself: I bought Arma II: CO pretty recently, I'm pretty funny and relaxed, I think. I like to play on a "don't shoot unless shot at" basis.

Do you have a mic and skype: Yup, juan.c.march

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Age (15+):

Where are you from (Europe): US, unfortunately

From 1-10, how experienced are you: 8.5

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: Replay the scenario over and over in my head and try to figure out why I was such a retard.

Can you follow orders and tactics: Yes

How long do you play dayz: Week 6-8 hours, Weekend 8-14 hours

Other stuff about yourself: I'm a bandit?

Do you have a mic and skype: Yes.

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Age (15+):20

Where are you from (Europe): Norway

From 1-10, how experienced are you: 10

What will you do if you die in a gunbattle: inform the rest of the squad of the last known location, distance and weapon of my attacker.

Can you follow orders and tactics: yes (but no sir, yes sir crap)

How long do you play dayz: 6-7 hours almost everyday

Other stuff about yourself: experienced marksman, spotter and CQB, and i'm a good pilot

Do you have a mic and skype: yes

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For those who are living in the US, can't play with you guys just because of the timezones. Thanks everyone for the replies and the squad is full right now.

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