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Looking for 2 Youtube friends and partners :D

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Looking for a guy to play video games on the weekends and record and make videos and post it on youtube!!

Starting a new youtube chanel from the ground up

  1. arma 2 oa & arma 2
  2. League of legends
  3. Garrys mod
  4. Chivalry medieval warfare
  5. Red Orchestra 2

Those are my favorite games to play if you have any or are interested in playing these please fill out this

  • How old are you?

  • What is you're favorite game? (not dayz)

  • Would you be dedicated to make videos on the weekends?

  • Do you have any editing skills? (not needed don't worry if you dont have any)

  • What type of gamer are you? (Serious, Funny, A bit of both, Totally suck at gaming just have fun)

MY answers


Arma 2 oa/garrys mod

i made the post did i not?

not really

Funny but can be serious

Edited by dumbidea

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Battlefield 3/ Company of Heroes

Yes (i allready do)

yup, i would say im above average

Funny XD (but can take things serious if needed)

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