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Best Random Find in DayZ

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My very first spawn, I spawned by that bridge West of Komenka. I wandered around for awhile(terrified of zeds). I'd say after 45min to an hour I come across a deer stand. I crawled 70 meters or so to the ladder, climbed up........Took an AK47 round in face from a survivor that was already in there.

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early in the game when i was new was a big clans stash about 100 guns in total

Edited by dgeesio

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i found a stashed ural loaded with various types of ammo and m203 rounds, nv goggles, rangefinders, medicine, vehicle parts, camo clothes and ghillie suits, alice and coyote backpacks, and 2 g17, 3 as50, 1 m107, 3 dmr, 4 ak kobras, 2 akm, 2 m4a1, 1 m4a1 cco sd(but no ammo), 1 m4a3 cco, 1 m4a1 m203 rco, 3 fn fal, 1 fn fal an/pvs-4, 1 l85a2 aws, 1 bizon, 2 m14 and 1 m24, it was like christmas and talk like a pirate day combined, too bad there was no sidechat, i moved a few things to 2 tents on opposite sides of the map and left the remaining stuff in the ural and parked it outside electro church(without vehicle parts, shot out the tires and left the engine running and lights on so noone would miss it. and the next time i logged in the ural was still there but emptied out and damn if you couldnt hear flies almost everywhere within 30m

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My best random find, about 2 weeks ago, newly spawned in near Balota, decided to risk going to the airstrip to check out the ATC tower, get in and hear flies,found a body so checked it out , it has food, drink, watch,bino's map,compass etc etc etc along with the AK and 2 mags, and a British backpack, i just picked it all up as fast as i could and legged it through the woods at the back, it was only then as far away as possible did i check what was in the backpack it had an M4A1 cco and 3 mags, i still have those guns to this day.

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