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is Sacriel becoming a bully?

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I've seen some 'average' players think that a ghille suit is still good camo for the rooftops of cherno. (I kid you not).

well to be fair, did they "say" they thought that was a good camo for rooftops, or did you just see someone on a roof with a ghillie? I mean, it might not be the best thing when you're up there on the roof, but it's pretty good in other situations (like actually getting in and out of cherno). it seems most people just ditch their civilian clothes when they find a gullie, and don't bother switching back and forth

we can discuss the virtues of sniping from the roofs in cherno in general, but that's kinda besides the point. I think most of us know that regardless of the camo you have, the people directly below you won't be able to see you. and the people on the hill will probably see you regardless of what camo you have on. I'm not sure any of the availible skins would be particularly effective as roof-top camo. plus you could argue the guillie still does have an advantage because it hides your backpack

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well to be fair, did they "say" they thought that was a good camo for rooftops, or did you just see someone on a roof with a ghillie? I mean, it might not be the best thing when you're up there on the roof, but it's pretty good in other situations (like actually getting in and out of cherno). it seems most people just ditch their civilian clothes when they find a gullie, and don't bother switching back and forth

we can discuss the virtues of sniping from the roofs in cherno in general, but that's kinda besides the point. I think most of us know that regardless of the camo you have, the people directly below you won't be able to see you. and the people on the hill will probably see you regardless of what camo you have on. I'm not sure any of the availible skins would be particularly effective as roof-top camo. plus you could argue the guillie still does have an advantage because it hides your backpack

That Normal clothing for Cherno is an idea i never even thought about, i think i will take that on board.

Edited by L1CKEYSPL1T

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PS: The Bandit Camp Attack from the Squad is a great idea! This player driven content is what makes DayZ so special. Sadly I did not get the info that they were doing it - I would have loved to be a part of it. So please do not rant against this idea (self advertisment and blabla). It is a cool story and quite a lot of fun. This hating against different Youtubers is just ridiculous. They are doing a really good job in entertaining others.


Thank you Sacriel, Oshi, Fhrope, nGotie, Squirrel and Shannon for a good time watching you play.

The event is the first of many and we will have more notifications circling round before them. We didn't really know if it was going to be a success or not so we didn't make a big deal out of this one. Glad to hear you'd love another!

Nope, you can never desire nor hope too much.

I do not expect, I merely desire. I do not state things should be one way or another, I point to the way things are (or at least how I have percieved them) and I ask for something more or something better.

Unfortunately this is exactly the kind of game for me as I am well and truly into the post-apocalyptic genre because of the human nature on show, the constant threat of my fellow man and for all the other reasons you've listed. Perhaps I am merely a glutton for punishment though, I am trying to have a discussion on the internets after all.

Thanks for clarifying. You hit at the very base foundation of humanity then. Ambition and the ability to be dissatisfied with one's lot. Once our core needs are met (food, hydration, warmth), we are left with a species-unique conundrum of "what next?" It is the ability to dream, to hope, that both makes us sad and keeps us going, when we have nothing to really complain about since those basic needs are met. My mistake for misinterpreting you and the difference between "desire" and "expect."

That's the post-apocalyptic dynamic. We all dream for more. But how some of us go about achieving it might not be seen as acceptable to others. <3

but is it the gaming culture thats currently out like cod's and battlefield were its all run and gun were people think is no different. instead of it being a social experiment like rocket wanted it to be its being turned into the normal AAA shooter.

Or maybe a shooter just shows another aspect of humanity that is obviously prevalent? Perhaps what Rocket (as much as I love the guy...honestly, he's my HERO) didn't anticipate is just how many people would treat the world as a cherry ripe for the picking. This same phenomenon can be found in almost every other zombie (walking dead, anyone?) or survival story (The Road). Welcome to mankind. We are fucking brutal.

that would make it alot more on the survival side

It would be an entirely different game. I'd really love to play that. Test out the two different types of post-apoc society (if you can call it that).

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You think it's a modern thing where people just want to go around killing people for the fun of it? Think back to ancient Rome and Greece, their gladiatorial bloodbaths that make violent videogames look like childsplay. The Irish would play a 'game' before a battle that we call Murderball. They would cut off the head of a slave and play a very football-like game with the head in front of the enemy to lower their morale. If the 'ball' got too damage, they would just kill another slave. They would actually have fun doing so.

first of all I'll point out that much of our modern society is all about getting away from stuff like that. I mean various forms of public torture used to be common place, but unlike Sacriel, maybe you've heard of the Geneva Convention trollface.jpg

and it also gets back to the point someone brought up ealier about it's value as entertainment. even with something a lot of people find cruel, like dog-fighting, people that are fans still want to see a reasonable competition. they want to see 2 pitbulls fight, not a pitbull and a chihuahua

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first of all I'll point out that much of our modern society is all about getting away from stuff like that. I mean various forms of public torture used to be common place, but unlike Sacriel, maybe you've heard of the Geneva Convention trollface.jpg

and it also gets back to the point someone brought up ealier about it's value as entertainment. even with something a lot of people find cruel, like dog-fighting, people that are fans still want to see a reasonable competition. they want to see 2 pitbulls fight, not a pitbull and a chihuahua

Your analogies make me laugh, it won't be long before you liken sacrial to chairman mao

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True it is unfortunate but what's going on in this thread is the OP and others in this thread are making Sacriel the face of the unfortunate community of Dayz and trying to make out because he streams the game he should somehow be setting an example to the rest of the gaming community like he's a policemen or role model, that is complete crap imo, he is like every other gamer out there and can do what the hell he likes, others in this thread have also used the thread to take pop shots at Sacriel and that's when his friends have had to step in and say something, it's a snowballing bully thread in the making and just another reflection of the community which they are moaning about in the first place.

Yeah, there are a few pots in here pointing fingers at kettle and refraining from considering their own words. Luckily, it's not many. I think an interesting point that one of these trolls brought up before rambling non-sensically about glass houses, was that there were over 2000 views in this thread, but Sacriel had not come to engage with the discussion. I actually find that fact works against the point the troll was trying to make: there are now over 6500 views, but only around 50ish unique posters, and only a small handful of those are bullying Sacriel themselves. It's encouraging actually to see how few people either care about this topic or simply disagree. I think on that, we can lay the point to rest; at least, I think I will.

It's less of a gaming culture that has suddenly appeared and more of an extension of what was already there. Call of Duty was originally PC only, so was Battlefield, and the players back then were exactly the same, just a considerably smaller number. "Gamers" used to be a smaller selection of the human race, and I can guarantee that teabagging and spawn camping/base raping was there and making gaming lives hell waaaaay before Halo was around. Now? Everyone is a gamer. From Angry Birds on a phone to Hardcore professional gamers. Nearly everyone has a console in the living room, and a gaming PC isn't such a rare beast anymore. It's just a case of a larger proportion of the human race has access to gaming, not that any mindset has really changed when it comes to competitive play.

You think it's a modern thing where people just want to go around killing people for the fun of it? Think back to ancient Rome and Greece, their gladiatorial bloodbaths that make violent videogames look like childsplay. The Irish would play a 'game' before a battle that we call Murderball. They would cut off the head of a slave and play a very football-like game with the head in front of the enemy to lower their morale. If the 'ball' got too damage, they would just kill another slave. They would actually have fun doing so.

It's human nature to be ahead of your fellow man, to prove that your genes are the best to carry forward into a new generation. It's human nature to go out and do what is above necessary to get recognition that you can be the best multiple times, even if the situation makes it unfair to the other people. That's why competition has always been around, and DayZ is no exception when it comes to this competition.

Best post yet.

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first of all I'll point out that much of our modern society is all about getting away from stuff like that. I mean various forms of public torture used to be common place, but unlike Sacriel, maybe you've heard of the Geneva Convention trollface.jpg

and it also gets back to the point someone brought up ealier about it's value as entertainment. even with something a lot of people find cruel, like dog-fighting, people that are fans still want to see a reasonable competition. they want to see 2 pitbulls fight, not a pitbull and a chihuahua

The Geneva convention, in my opinion, is something for the political chess players to hide behind. Just because they put "official" rules for war doesn't make it any less brutal, but it allows the people behind the scenes to still see it as a game when they're not the ones being the pawns. They don't realise that the terrorists we're currently fighting don't think anything of the rules that were concocted by the first world, and that our troops are getting slaughtered because of it. By what I have heard here, I do admit that I thought Sacriel mentioning the Geneva convention was in extreme bad taste. I didn't actually watch it myself, but after hearing what he said, I frankly think of it as highly disrespectful to the people who are currently out fighting right now. What he said to that guy is probably what some of the al qaeda says to one of the UK/Canadian/Aussie/US/etc. troops he comes across right before he tries to blow his head off. It might be taking it to an extreme, but we all have to think about what we say before we say it.

With that in mind, if Chris is actually reading this (or if Shannon/Oshi could pass this on), then yeah perhaps he does owe his viewers an apology for that one thing, but only due to the unintentional impact it had with regards to people serving right now. However thats just my personal opinion. It still doesn't make me like him any less as a player and an entertainer though. Some of the "best" humans that have been on this planet, Mother Theresa, Ghandi, etc have all slipped up, so to expect a regular guy to be perfect just because you're watching his stream is rather far-fetched.

As for your other comment about what people value as entertainment, I think you'll find an equal amount of people would want to see a pitbull kill a chihuahua as two pitbulls. That's why slaves were pitted against Gladiators just as often if not moreso than two prized fighters squaring off. Even then it wasn't to the death - Gladiators were way too valuable; slaves were there to provide the gore people wanted. Violence is in nature, and a way to release frustration so it doesn't hinder your own survival. Go watch a nature documentary about a pack of wolves or a pride of lions, and watch how much random violence happens between animals who work together. The only difference between us and them is the fact that we choose not to, most of the time. It's why violent movies and video games sell so well; it's an outlet without having to do it yourself. I never said I believe it to be right, but we don't all have to enjoy the truth.

Edited by angelomnipotent

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The Geneva convention, in my opinion, is something for the political chess players to hide behind. Just because they put "official" rules for war doesn't make it any less brutal

I don't agree. this is all a little beyond the scope of this conversation, but I find it interesting a European would seriously have that opinion

I just brought up the Geneva Convention thing in an attempt to make a joke that related to what you were talking about. I don't think Sacriel owes anyone an "apology" for any particular incident

like i said, I see a lot of our modern society as us getting away from many or our 'natural' behaviors. I mean there's people alive today that think it's right to publicly kill a young rape victim for 'shaming' their family. but I'm not gonna sit here with some moral relativism and try to excuse that shit like it's OK because that's how they've been doing shit for xxxx years

and there's no reason to theorize about what type of dogs people like to watch fight. people watch dog fights to bet on them. no ones gonna put their money on the chihuahua

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I don't agree. this is all a little beyond the scope of this conversation, but I find it interesting a European would seriously have that opinion

I just brought up the Geneva Convention thing in an attempt to make a joke that related to what you were talking about. I don't think Sacriel owes anyone an "apology" for any particular incident

like i said, I see a lot of our modern society as us getting away from many or our 'natural' behaviors. I mean there's people alive today that think it's right to publicly kill a young rape victim for 'shaming' their family. but I'm not gonna sit here with some moral relativism and try to excuse that shit like it's OK because that's how they've been doing shit for xxxx years

and there's no reason to theorize about what type of dogs people like to watch fight. people watch dog fights to bet on them. no ones gonna put their money on the chihuahua

I admit I have some interesting views on things, and I know a lot of people probably won't see things in the same light and that's perfectly fine. I never once said it was okay, just saying that's the way it is. Nothing about that makes it right in any regard. And yeah perhaps I got a little uppity about the apology business and the whole subject of war, but that's because I've lost several close friends who were serving over in Afghanistan, so it hits home quite a bit.

Besides all of this is going off on a tangent in the wrong kind of direction and about a differing subject, so its best to leave it there.

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I find it interesting that no one (I don't think) has laid the blame for the killing of unarmed players where it belongs; at the unarmed players feet.

If you have no weapon is running in the open through the middle of a town really a good idea? No of course not. You should survey your surrounds from a hidden location, plan a route with cover and sneak in and obtain a weapon. Most unarmed people that I see killed in any videos were legging it down the middle of a road...its they're fault they are getting shot.

So people who are running around with no weapons are in one of three situations:

  1. They are new to the game and have no idea what they are doing
  2. They are stupid...
  3. They are trying to save time and trade safety for speed

If someone is new to the game then they need to learn, they can either seek advice on the internet on how to survive or they can learn themselves through playing and getting killed. If they are experienced and know how the game works and still think that running around in the open unarmed is a good idea then they are just stupid and deserve to die. Either that or they think they are entitled to living until they find a gun which is also stupid.

I figure most people fall into point 3, you know how the game works and you have realised that it is just a game and as a new spawn you have nothing to lose. So what do you do? You think: "screw it! I'm just legging it into the middle of elektro and hopefully I'll find a gun before someone shoots me". By doing this you are accepting that you will likely die but its ok because its quicker than spending much more time being sneaky. You CANNOT then turn around and complain when you get shot, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Personally I fall into point 3, if I get shot unarmed I think (or say) "You dick head, I'm unarmed. Piss off and leave me alone". When I promptly die I get over it, respawn and do the same thing again because its generally the most effective way to start a new spawn.

Edited by MoNo_MaN
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Hey come on now, let's not try and introduce common sense into this.

Sacriel shooting some one with out a gun in an fps is a signifier of the end times and how rotten to the core society is these days and other crazy hyperbolic nonsense I can't bothered to trawl back through the thread for.


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Yeah, there are a few pots in here pointing fingers at kettle and refraining from considering their own words. Luckily, it's not many. I think an interesting point that one of these trolls brought up before rambling non-sensically about glass houses, was that there were over 2000 views in this thread, but Sacriel had not come to engage with the discussion. I actually find that fact works against the point the troll was trying to make: there are now over 6500 views, but only around 50ish unique posters, and only a small handful of those are bullying Sacriel themselves. It's encouraging actually to see how few people either care about this topic or simply disagree. I think on that, we can lay the point to rest; at least, I think I will.

Best post yet.

Haha wow! I apologise completely..Sacriel is the worlds foremost Day Z, Quake 2 and FPS player. I hold my hands up. Please send me a pciture of him so I can put it on my wall ;)

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I find it interesting that no one (I don't think) has laid the blame for the killing of unarmed players where it belongs; at the unarmed players feet.

If you have no weapon is running in the open through the middle of a town really a good idea? No of course not. You should survey your surrounds from a hidden location, plan a route with cover and sneak in and obtain a weapon. Most unarmed people that I see killed in any videos were legging it down the middle of a road...its they're fault they are getting shot.

So people who are running around with no weapons are in one of three situations:

  1. They are new to the game and have no idea what they are doing
  2. They are stupid...
  3. They are trying to save time and trade safety for speed

If someone is new to the game then they need to learn, they can either seek advice on the internet on how to survive or they can learn themselves through playing and getting killed. If they are experienced and know how the game works and still think that running around in the open unarmed is a good idea then they are just stupid and deserve to die. Either that or they think they are entitled to living until they find a gun which is also stupid.

I figure most people fall into point 3, you know how the game works and you have realised that it is just a game and as a new spawn you have nothing to lose. So what do you do? You think: "screw it! I'm just legging it into the middle of elektro and hopefully I'll find a gun before someone shoots me". By doing this you are accepting that you will likely die but its ok because its quicker than spending much more time being sneaky. You CANNOT then turn around and complain when you get shot, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

Personally I fall into point 3, if I get shot unarmed I think (or say) "You dick head, I'm unarmed. Piss off and leave me alone". When I promptly die I get over it, respawn and do the same thing again because its generally the most effective way to start a new spawn.

Lol, you seem to be the type of person who would also blame the women for dressing slutty and walking down the wrong street, instead of the rapist for being a complete (your own choice of swear word here).

Also when I started out at the game, I sneaked around everywhere, then soon realised that it was a waste of time crawling past 19 Zeds to have the 20th spot you from 80 metres away, then sprint like Linford Christie at you till you hide in a bush. Pretty much every single person who runs knows exactly what they are doing, it doesn't instantly make it their fault that some fucktard is sitting on a hill with an AS50 waiting for someone to pop up in their FOV.

You also fail to mention these people have already been up North as well, then PURPOSEFULLY come back to the coast just to shoot people that don't have a chance at shooting back.

I have every right to complain about these people, If I had a gun, some supplies, a better backpack, then yes, sure, shoot me, I wouldn't care. The fact that they did it for the sake of getting a (completely well earned) kill, is just a bit pathetic.

(Let it be known I haven't been killed by a Spawn Camper yet, but it doesn't make my statement any less true.)

You don't even mention the New Spawns that are actually being sneaky, but just get unlucky by meeting someone on the same route who is already armed. Are these people to blame for their own misfortune? I guess it was their fault they ran into someone that kills unarmed people yes? Should have taken a left instead of a right at the last crossroads aye?

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Lol, you seem to be the type of person who would also blame the women for dressing slutty and walking down the wrong street, instead of the rapist for being a complete (your own choice of swear word here).

Also when I started out at the game, I sneaked around everywhere, then soon realised that it was a waste of time crawling past 19 Zeds to have the 20th spot you from 80 metres away, then sprint like Linford Christie at you till you hide in a bush. Pretty much every single person who runs knows exactly what they are doing, it doesn't instantly make it their fault that some fucktard is sitting on a hill with an AS50 waiting for someone to pop up in their FOV.

You also fail to mention these people have already been up North as well, then PURPOSEFULLY come back to the coast just to shoot people that don't have a chance at shooting back.

I have every right to complain about these people, If I had a gun, some supplies, a better backpack, then yes, sure, shoot me, I wouldn't care. The fact that they did it for the sake of getting a (completely well earned) kill, is just a bit pathetic.

(Let it be known I haven't been killed by a Spawn Camper yet, but it doesn't make my statement any less true.)

You don't even mention the New Spawns that are actually being sneaky, but just get unlucky by meeting someone on the same route who is already armed. Are these people to blame for their own misfortune? I guess it was their fault they ran into someone that kills unarmed people yes? Should have taken a left instead of a right at the last crossroads aye?

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Lol, you seem to be the type of person who would also blame the women for dressing slutty and walking down the wrong street, instead of the rapist for being a complete (your own choice of swear word here).

Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any more ridiculous.

People role play different characters because it's a fun thing to do in a computer game that has no real life consequences what so ever. I honestly don't understand how some of you can't see this?

The fun thing about dayz it's that any thing can happen and there are no rules. With out "bandits" there are no "heroes". It's the inherent danger that adds the tension and the fun to the game.

Edited by toastyy
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Just when I thought this thread couldn't get any more ridiculous.

People role play different characters because it's a fun thing to do in a computer game that has no real life consequences what so ever. I honestly don't understand how some of you can't see this?

The fun thing about dayz it's that any thing can happen and there are no rules. With out "bandits" there are no "heroes". It's the inherent danger that adds the tension and the fun to the game.

I didn't mention anything about how he plays, if there was no diversity in characters, there would be no fun. The quote was in relation to his about how it is the persons fault for running into the path of his bullets, rather than his for firing the gun. The analogy was in no way meant to be taken seriously, because I didn't assume anyone would be so stupid as to do so. Glad to see you got past the first sentence anyway, nice to know people actually pay attention. Thumbs up to you!

Edited by discombobulated

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I didn't mention anything about how he plays, if there was no diversity in characters, there would be no fun. The quote was in relation to his about how it is the persons fault for running into the path of his bullets, rather than his for firing the gun. The analogy was in no way meant to be taken seriously, because I didn't assume anyone would be so stupid as to do so. Glad to see you got past the first sentence anyway, nice to know people actually pay attention. Thumbs up to you!

The analogy was terrible and of real bad taste and that's why your post got facepalmed.
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Not reading all these replies. But there's a reason why Sacriel and Frankie are the two big DayZ players.

Sacriel - Bad Side/Has "good" gameplay of killing a lot of people.

Frankie - Good Side/Has good gameplay of running into fans, helping others, etc.

I think Sacriel has always been a "bully" but we'd just see highlights before him livestreaming a lot, but also on Namalsk it's basically KOS anyways.

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The analogy was terrible and of real bad taste and that's why your post got facepalmed.

Are you sure? The analogy fit fine actually, might have been in bad taste, but like I said, I didn't expect anyone to be stupid enough to take it seriously. And be my guest if you want to slap yourself in the face because you failed to see the point, blaming the victim for their actions.

But don't bring up any valid points from my post, just slap away at that reddening cheek, and post an overused meme, showing is the true caliber of your brain power. Peace.

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come on. yall know if you're a fresh spawn, with no binocs, sniper rifle, etc, there's very little chance you'll be able to see a ghillie sniper prone under a tree 600m away

it's like sitting up on the hill east of Kamenka with a sniper rifle, shooting new-spawns, and then saying it's their fault for spawning there. I'm not saying that's what Sacriel and crew do, just replying to this logic that somehow it's the new-spawns fault for spawning, and looking for a weapon in a nearby building. while they're against a squad that may be fairly spread out and hidden, with range finders, acogs, snipers, teamspeak, etc

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