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Terrible fps

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I bought Arma and downloaded dayz today. But I have been unable to play properly becuase I am having around 10-15 fps all the time.

I have spent the last 3 hours on google trying EVERY possible solution people have given.

That involves, lowering/maxing settings

updating drivers

jerk around with arma on steam ( properties something)

going into the files in My documents and changing the values to 1

turning of shadows/v sync, memory at default etc

playing on servers with 1 ping ( from my country) and other low ping servers

giving arma 2 priority

But nothing seems to work. I've spent 25 euro on this game and I would love for it to run properly so I can finally play it.

Anyone else got a solution for this massive fps drop, especially in citys.

Windows vista 32bit

intel core 2 quad 2.33 GHz (4 CPUs)

3.3MB ram

Geforce GTX 560 Ti

I run battlefield 3 on high without any problems so how can this lag ?

Just went to elektro and got 8 fps, rage quit

Edited by netchayev

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well there your problem, no pc specs... buy a pc with specs first not one of those magic ones that dont use components. You may see an improvement then.

also riddle me this

I've been having fuel efficiency issues lately, not going to tell you what model of car or anything, but I've tried all the googles and it hasnt changed. why.

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playing on servers with 1 ping!!! damn lol

Seriously though...... It sounds like you've made so many changes to both game and system that the only advice I would suggest is reinstalling Vista (if thats all you have) from scratch.

Everyone knows Dayz has bad performance issues, your not the only one.... should be resolved with the standalone.

But if you havn't got much to backup, I would reformat and start again so that you have just the OS and game installed. (get Windows 7 for the love of *insert deity here*)

You could have a crap load of processes running that isn't helping, I don't know.

Oh, and I asume you turned off post processing.

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Yeah post processing is turn off.

And tbh I don't feel like whipeing my computer clean just yet. I know vista ain't the best OS but meh...

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Nope i have nothing running while playing. Except skype a couple of times but it seems to make no difference

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I might add. I run the game through Dayz Commander. If I run it with steam, when I try and join a server it sais I have the wrong version. Anyways, when I connect to a server and before I click accpet or w/e it sais, I have 140 ping constantly. As soon as I press the continue button and the DayZ loggo comes up and it starts to load, thats when the fps drops down to 4. And then stays that way untill im in the game and then its around 20-25. If I hold down alt and look down at the ground I will get 60 fps.

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i have the EXACT same issues... i paid $30 for arma CO to play dayz and now i get like 5-14 fps everywhere i go... i've tried setting the values to zero, using RAMdisk, messing with the ingame settings... everything, but when i look at the ground everything runs smooth.

my specs are:

acer apire, intel i3, 2.4ghz, m370 chipset, 300gb hard drive, Win 7 home, and 8 gb of ram

i use six updater and am about to re-install either arma, dayz, or both to see if i can get it to work any better.

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i have the EXACT same issues... i paid $30 for arma CO to play dayz and now i get like 5-14 fps everywhere i go... i've tried setting the values to zero, using RAMdisk, messing with the ingame settings... everything, but when i look at the ground everything runs smooth.

my specs are:

acer apire, intel i3, 2.4ghz, m370 chipset, 300gb hard drive, Win 7 home, and 8 gb of ram

i use six updater and am about to re-install either arma, dayz, or both to see if i can get it to work any better.

update us on how that goes!

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i tried that tutorial and i don't have a dayz prest on six updater for some reason. pretty aggravating, but i reinstalled six launcher, updater and got another +5 fps or so... still not happy tho.

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i have the EXACT same issues... i paid $30 for arma CO to play dayz and now i get like 5-14 fps everywhere i go... i've tried setting the values to zero, using RAMdisk, messing with the ingame settings... everything, but when i look at the ground everything runs smooth.

my specs are:

acer apire, intel i3, 2.4ghz, m370 chipset, 300gb hard drive, Win 7 home, and 8 gb of ram

i use six updater and am about to re-install either arma, dayz, or both to see if i can get it to work any better.

Do you not have a graphics card at all? If not there's your problem. On Board graphics are shite. Re-installing wont do anything, you're wasting your time.

And to the OP an Intel Core 2 is a poor CPU nowdays. ArmA 2 is CPU intensive and I imagine your CPU is bottlenecking your GPU, which isnt a bad GPU at all. i would also recommend getting rid of Vista (worst OS ever IMO) and getting Windows 7/8.

Edited by Rooneye

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Edited by Rooneye

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i've got Win7, intel i3, and i use a laptop with integrated intel (shit) graphics. tht explains alot by itself, but i was thinking that i could still run that game as is... i tried disableing hyperthreading in the bios, but couldn't find it anywhere in my bios. idk if you can install a vid card in a laptop, but let me if it is possible because i'd rather spend $400 on a good graphics card than $4000 and a new gaming rig "just for dayz". it ran arma 2 free just fine... idk why it wont run arma oa

Edited by theXLB13

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i've got Win7, and i use a laptop with integrated intel (shit) graphics. tht explains alot by itself, but i was thinking that i could still run that game as is... i tried disableing hyperthreading in the bios, but couldn't find it anywhere in my bios. idk if you can install a vid card in a laptop, but let me if it is possible because i'd rather spend $400 on a good graphics card than $4000 and a new gaming rig "just for dayz". it ran arma 2 free just fine... idk why it wont run arma oa

No you cant run DayZ with integrated graphics mate, its just not gunna cut it im afraid. I would of suggested buying a new graphics card, but I didnt realise it was a laptop at first either, not sure if you will even be able to install one, some laptops you just cant, some are more trouble/money then they're worth too (to install a new GPU i mean). Hmm maybe you could I dunno, might wanna look into that. But either that or getting a new PC, i would say is the only way you are going to enjoy this game, sadly :(

And you dont need $4000 you can easily get a nice (tower) PC for $500-600 that will run this thing fine. Take the $400 you are willing to pay, wait a month or whatever and add $200 to it and get a new machine. That would be my advice.

And OA uses higher textures and things like that, theres a lot more in it. And DayZ has Zombies (PC killers) so you're never going to get same performance as ArmA 2 free.

Edited by Rooneye

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Ya Dayz is more cpu and gpu intensive then arma 2 and arma ao combined I would say. My broother has a 3 or 4 year old computer that can deal with graphics (ie it won't shit itself and crash the game ever few minutes) however he only runs at 5-10 fps outside of cities. Personally i think 10 -20 fps in cities is fine . even outside of cities i will gladly tak 10-20fps.

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