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-+-+- DayZNamalsk - Private Hive - InFOCS Clan Server -+-+-

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Hi there, I'd like to advertise our new NL server:

DayZNamalsk - (0.60/98866) [VETERAN CH:ON 3P:ON] [Always Daylight - Wrecks - Care Packages - Kill Messages - Max Vehicles] - Hosted by InFOCS - http://www.infocs.net/forum - TS: | DayZ.ST


We are a stable and mature italian clan (4-5 ppl) and we'd like create a funny and welcoming community. We have actually switched to Namalsk map and we are having having a good time with some cool new features from our host:

- Kill message: when a player is killed by another one, the server sends a message, eg. "player x has been killed by player y with gun z"

- Wrecks: the server randomly spawns destroyed vehicles with some special equipment in it (just like the good old heli crashes)

- Care packages: randomly spawned packs with some useful loot for starters.

Moreover, custom vehicle spawns and 2 heli ready to take off!

We are thinking of activating a whitelist in order to keep out the majority of hackers and script kiddies, so leave our GUID at our forums: http://www.infocs.net/forum or just write it down here.

Come join us and have fun!

Edited by Fatty_InFOCS

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Whitelist has been enabled and we are starting to have a stable player base, with a few clans killing each other lol.

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