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Mikeloeven (DayZ)

Erase existing loot on loot respawn

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It seems as thought some of the issues regarding loot spawns are caused because a new spawn will not appear ontop of a pile of junk. this has ocasionally lead to high yield structures like supermarkets filled entirley with tin canns and other junk loot which prevents the normal loot from respawning untill the area is painstakingly cleaned out by hand or by a server reboot. i suggest adding a expiration to loot spawns that make them disapear after a certain number of ticks allowing them to be replaced with new spawns

additionally a DESTROY ITRM context menu should be added to all items allowing the user a fast and easy way to get rid of items without cluttering up the map with drops that can lead to performance issues

Edited by Mikeloeven
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i am going by my observations but from what i see they dont remove older spawns only spawn new stuff and if it is full with junk and there is no more room to spawn i belive it gets jammed

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