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A few questions about being a bandit

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So, up until now, I've been trying to play the hero, and it hasn't worked out in my favor, so I'm going for the bandit playstyle.

I do have a few questions about it though

Where is the best area to hunt? Don't say Cherno/Elektro. I'm talking north of moglievka.

What's the best approach? open fire when I have a shot or is it worth stalking them for a bit?

what are the best ways to stay hidden? I know the map well, but always seem to run into hostiles even in the most remote forests.

Thanks in advance

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Ok. Let me see if i can help out at all.

You shouldnt "Try to be a hero" or "Try to be a bandit" IMO. I dont really clarify either, it all just depends on what happens that day. It should come from having to make decisions given to you. If youre trying to "hunt" players you will need a shit load of patience. Great place to start obviously is the northwest airfield. Me personally, I have a large area shaped like a triangle that I patrol and watch. get an area up by stary and Novy on the way to NWAF and watch that. vehicles will pass through eventually.

Best ways to stay hidden. Dont go into towns if you dont have to. Stick to the treeline outside towns and away from roads. Always scout for "white dots" on the edge of your screen, and Zeds over 250m away from you. Those white dots could mean the difference between life or death for you if youre in the woods. They are usually wildlife, but not always.

When it comes to actually engaging on someone, scout first and know how many youre up against. wait for a shot you know you can make depending on your skill level, and dont rush it. If they get away there will always be others, it isnt worth having to start over.

Those are my 2 cents and personal advice from my own play style, hope this helps some.

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The best way to kill an enemy is using a longer range weapon (Sniper Rifle being the best) and making sure you get the jump on your enemy.

There are loads of spots you can kill people, the airfields probably being the best (NW especially) , it is, after all, the place where the majority of players go to gear up properly.

You get to learn where most people go and where most other people like to sit (Control tower, barracks, hangar, fire station) and you then learn the spots where it is easiest to watch these positions.

Once you get a good feel for an area it's normally easy to work out where other players will sit to get a clear shot towards a specific location.

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Thanks, this helps a lot. People keep mentioning the NW airfield as an ideal spot, which is also what I was thinking. Problem is, I have the tendancy to avoid the airfield specifically at all costs. I do like Guardian's idea of travelling within a self-specified area.

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Thanks, this helps a lot. People keep mentioning the NW airfield as an ideal spot, which is also what I was thinking. Problem is, I have the tendancy to avoid the airfield specifically at all costs. I do like Guardian's idea of travelling within a self-specified area.

That's the thing though, the airfield being what it is (with all the military spawns) it tends to attract a lot of players who are on the look-out for weapons.

Once you've been and scouted the area you can generally set yourself a 'path' if you will, around the airfield area to scout from where you will be able to get a good view over everything (Close enough to get into the action fast but not close enough where you are in the middle of it.).

You just have to watch yourself since obviously a lot of players will have a similar idea to you and will scout around the perimeter also.

As long as you can set yourself certain boundaries to control and as long as you can ensure that no players can get the drop on you it should be fine, the main thing though is to try and stay hidden - there are always people watching.

Edited by Rossums
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Thanks, this helps a lot. People keep mentioning the NW airfield as an ideal spot, which is also what I was thinking. Problem is, I have the tendancy to avoid the airfield specifically at all costs. I do like Guardian's idea of travelling within a self-specified area.

Going to the airfield doesnt technically mean walking around on the runway or anything like that. just going to the area of the NWAF, even if youre 600m out and watching the south, youve got a good chance of spotting someone making a move.

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Going to the airfield doesnt technically mean walking around on the runway or anything like that. just going to the area of the NWAF, even if youre 600m out and watching the south, youve got a good chance of spotting someone making a move.


As long as you aren't running about in the open and you have a decent view of the 'landmarks' in the area (Barracks, Hangar, Fire Station, chopper spawn (If it's there).


There are lots of trees all around - just keep a look out for people at the airfield and even more importantly people coming to the airfield

The ones coming to the airfield are always harder to deal with if you aren't expecting them and aren't in a good place with cover - they normally come from the south but they could easily come off-road and surprise you.

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Good luck!

I used to like playing bandit but the guilt was just to much :(

definetly a fun way to play though!

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The best area to hunt is where ever you see players. You can wait around a crashed chopper, NWAF, Stary, ect. but I find I have much more fun with the random encounters across the map as I mindlessly travel.

Stalk until you have a good shot, and a clear idea of what is occupying your surroundings. If you aren't sure you can make it, or if you aren't sure if anyone else is still around, I would wait it out.

As far as staying hidden goes, typically I don't worry about that too much. What I do instead, is just keep constant awareness of my surroundings. Holding down alt to maintain a visual all around you is essential. If you know someone is around, however, stay crouched/prone, utilize pine trees since they lose zombie aggro and (when in the proper place) can almost make you invisible to people, too. And don't ever fire your gun, unless it's on another player. Don't enter buildings with one entrance with zombie aggro, don't stick around in any building long enough for zombies to overrun you, ect. I almost never kill zombies, which makes me audibly invisible to anyone else. I cannot count how many times I've heard even just a makarov go off, and that makarov shot causing the demise of a squad.

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Nobody is up north, head to Cherno amigo

you sir obviously have no idea what you are talking about.

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You could scout the edges of the map for peoples' tents and watch those, or you could look for camps around Devil's Castle and the airfields. If you're lucky enough, you could bag yourself a car or even the fabled helicopter!

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You could scout the edges of the map for peoples' tents and watch those, or you could look for camps around Devil's Castle and the airfields. If you're lucky enough, you could bag yourself a car or even the fabled helicopter!

About a week ago i started a new private hive and spawned in Kamenka. Instead of running along the coast through Kamarovo then Cherno, I went into town for some food and water and headed west. Once i hit the debug zone (edge of the map), i zig zagged all the way up to the northern edge, then across to the NWAF. On this trip i found 3 seperate campsites. Definitely a good strategy, and safer than going along the coast.

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You could scout the edges of the map for peoples' tents and watch those, or you could look for camps around Devil's Castle and the airfields. If you're lucky enough, you could bag yourself a car or even the fabled helicopter!

Oh, don't mistake me for a newbie, I'm very familiar with having vehicles and helicopters, but I was able to get them before by grouping up with friends and pretty much avoiding players altogether. I'm just looking for advice on the bandit playstyle, because I'm not too great at the Pvp aspect unless I get the jump on someone, I'm looking for where I can find and stalk players to kill. So far, I've gathered that I should look in the region between Novy and the Airfield.

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