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What the hell is going on?

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Third time starting this topic, maybe someone will actually help this time?

I was playing DayZ, went to play TLR for a while and went back to DayZ only to find it won't work, I can either get to the multiplayer set up screen where it freezes and I can't click any buttons, or I get to click the button (rarely, probably 1 out of 50 tries) and it goes to the loading screen with the DayZ logo in the middle but the loading bar doesn't increase, and before any of you say give it a while and let it load it's normal, 5 hours, yes 5 hours with no result isn't normal! Most of the time it completely locks up my computer and I cant ALT + Tab out, I have to turn it off by the mains, which I HATE doing but I have no choice.




ALL MAPS = UP TO DATE (Doesn't work on any of them)

I've tried reinstalling it at least 10 times, used Six launcher and DayZ commander and neither work, doesn't even work through ARMA 2, yet ARMA 2 (SP & MP) works perfectly fine. I can't for the life of me figure out why it is doing this, can anyone help me resolve this?

Edited by 3kout

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It could be a BattlEye issue. Most times if you're stuck on Loading, players on the server you're trying to join will see a system message saying that 'playername has been kicked for...(insert bullshit BE reason here). When Arma/DayZ gets stuck here you'll know within a minute or two if it's going to work; mostly though you have to Alt+Tab and kill the process in task manager

Might be worth deleting the BattlEye folder in both Arma and CO/OA and reinstalling the awful mess from the Beta patch. That's worked for me in the past.

Hope this helps :)

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Surely if it was BE it would affect ARMA 2 as well? I'm only having the issue with DayZ, but I'll try what you suggested and delete the folders and reinstall, it's getting to the point where it's too much effort to restart my computer each time as it won't let me ALT + Tab most of the time :(


Tried what you suggested and it didn't work, if anything the game freezes up at an earlier point now haha :huh: thanks for the suggestion though :thumbsup:

Edited by 3kout

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I've had a problem before with being stuck on loading. Something to do with the profile data being corrupt. Make a new profile and see if that helps? Have you tried re-installing DayZ/ArmA 2? Might be something to do with corrupted files somewhere if the multiplayer screen is locking up?

Edited by Timmymachine109

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