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SEAL Teams Group Recruitment

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Hello, since my previous squad has dwindled down to just two people, we are looking for new players to add to our squad. Our "wish list" for a recruit would go something like this. 1. Familiar with military tactics/phrases. 2. does not mind playing a role he/she would not prefer. 3. preferably over 18 and lives in the US (dont mind UK, just might be sum lag) 4. overall intelligence and ability to handle any situation. I've got some questions for the purpose of weaving people out quicker.

1. How old are you?

2. How long have you played dayz?

3. How available are you?

4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be?

5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge?

6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad?

7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion?

Post your answers as well as skype username below so i can contact you if you meet the needs of the group


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Exactly the kind of group I am looking for!

1. How old are you?


2. How long have you played dayz?

A couple months off and on, just now coming back again now that I am back from a long business trip.

3. How available are you?

East Coast US, EST Time Zone.

Mon-Friday 9 PM 3 AM

Sat-Sun All day

(Unless I am on a business trip, the majority of these are over and I wont be on any long trips until next year)

4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be?

Of course, I am proffesional in real life, and can be in game, but I do know how to relax and enjoy my time online as well.

5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge?

Chernarus, Yes.

Namalsk, No. (Just now coming back and I see this is a new map they added, but it wont take long to get used to it, I have a 2nd screen I can keep the map up on)

6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad?

Love playing Support roles, (Medic, Providing cover fire while the team goes in for supplies, I am not a Alpha male who has to get his way or complains, I go with the flow and with the team with the occasional opinion on things)

7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion?

Depends, In the game a Sniper can be the ass hole who sits outside of the city and kills anything that moves, but if we are talking about a sniper for the group, the sniper is the guy who sits back, and provides cover for the team while they move in for supplies, or provides cover in the heat of a battle.

Recon to me, is someone who scouts an area before the bulk of people, vehicles or supplies passes through. For instance, I would have someone recon an area (Heli crash, airfeild, major city, etc) before sending in the entire team. This would protect the team and insure that the entire team is not compromised. Recon can also be for looking for vehicles and or parts, etc.

Sniper/Recon can also be paired together due to the nature of them being self sufficiant with long range weapons and binoculars.

Skype name is


Hope to get in the game with you guys tonight!

But I am NOT looking for a group with people under 18 or people who cant act mature.

More key facts, I hate the COD style of game play of running and gunning and not caring if you die. When I am playing this game I take it very seriously and dont do things I wouldnt do in a similar situation if it was in real life.

Edited by MrFrazier

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1. How old are you? 25

2. How long have you played dayz? A couple of hours. Still learning the basics, however I am a quick learner.

3. How available are you? Usually, just Wed-Fri all day. I work night shift (1700-0500) so that doesn't lend itself well to gaming.

4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be? Of course.

5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge? Not yet, as I said I just started a few hours ago, but I learn quick.

6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad? Whatever is needed. In most FPS games I have played I am well-rounded and can handle any weapon.

7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion? Sniper/Recon can have just about any role you put on it. Of course in Dayz, most people think it is stiting near a spawn area and sniping fresh spawns. However, applied to a group, they are provide long distance cover fire when needed. They are also beneficial when not firing, simply providing intel to the rest of the squad when the situation calls for more stealth/surprise.

I understand I am a noob to DayZ, and PC gaming in general, but do not let that throw you. I would be a great asset to your squad. I am eager to learn this game and I learn quickly. While I can't say what I do in a public forum, my career does give me an upper hand here. IRL I am forced to think on my feet, act decisively, and keep a cool head when the stakes are life/death. I have working knowledge of miliary/para-military tactics. My communication style is always clear and concise, getting the pertinent details out as quickly as possible. My availablity is obviously fairly limited so I would not object to being an "alternate" as the nature of my job does not make me a very reliable gamer, but IRL comes first.

Contact me back on the forums and I look forward to hearing from you.

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1. How old are you? 25

2. How long have you played dayz? About 6 months.

3. How available are you? Pretty much online most of the day and evening.

4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be? At my age I'd hope so!

5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge? Yeah I know It pretty well as I've played the game for months now.

6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad? Sniper/Recon, but as I have played the game as a lone wolf for such a long time I can fill any sort of role thats needed.

7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion? Observation, observation, observation! And keeping an eye on your buddies backs. They should only engage if they are 100% sure of the situation on the ground.

The only bad thing is that I'm Scottish so there might be a bit of distance between us. Also I dont use Skype but I do have a mic so we could still chat over Steam or something. PM me if you want to team up.

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1. How old are you?13

2. How long have you played dayz?since last december

3. How available are you? usaully most of the day

4. Can you be mature and tactical when need be? yes of course.

5. Do you have sufficient map knowledge?yes but only for chernarus

6. What role do you prefer to play in a squad? someone who defends the group maybe from a distance like a sniper or someone to guard a base.

7. What is a role of a sniper/recon in your opinion? To cover the group from all angles be able to shoot on sight if needed and to be able to risk your life for that of the groups.

SKYPE: jt7425

Edited by jt7425

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