[email protected] 0 Posted June 16, 2012 Server: US4Time: 15/06/2012 23:05 UTC (approximate of first kill)What happened: Hiding in a bush minding my own business, instantly dropped to the ground dead. Respawned on beach and started to leg it to my body hoping to recover my stuff when I was again dropped to the ground approximately 3-5km from the first hacker kill, respawned again, changed my character name, logged into another server, respawned on the beach and ran up to my first corpse. Switched server back to US4 in the hope I could quickly grab my stuff and log off, body was missing but heard the flies and after 60 seconds or so was killed again in the same manner. I am certain it wasn't a sniper, I was with a mate and he heard no shot and the spot wasn't really overlooked by any distant treeline etc.Sorry I dont know the identity of the cheater, I did take down a list of names of people on the server shortly after the third hack-kill, can PM that to someone if needed.Sad :( had all the stuff I could really want and had been surviving for 14 days or something, hey ho.... Will be fun getting it all back. Share this post Link to post Share on other sites