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Real noob question.......

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What's the correct method to exiting the game? I've played a few times over the last couple of nights, but every time I join a server I'm back at the coast as a new character. I'm not sure whether it's something I'm doing wrong when joining, or when I'm leaving, but I'm definitely doing something catastrophically bad.

Currently I've been leaving by hitting Esc>abort, which takes me to a debriefing page. It lists deaths/kills etc. and has 2 options. "I'm Ready" and "Disconnect"

Since "I'm Ready" doesn't seem to do anything I hit "Disconnect" which takes me to Multiplayer Setup. My options are "Disconnect" or "Ok"

I hit "Disconnect" which takes me to the in-game main menu where I press "Exit"

To Join I double click on the server in DayZ Commander which takes me to the "Multiplayer Setup" page.

I click "OK" and after a brief loading page I'm in, but always a new character back on the coast.

Where am I going wrong?

Any help much appreciated

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It might just be a bug. It used to happen to me all the time, then went away. I haven't played the game in about a month, so I'm not too sure if it's been fixed.. But you described a typical exit method. Might be superstitious, but I always have my character still for 10-15 seconds before disconnecting.

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You're certain this is happening when you rejoin the same server?

A lot of servers are now private, so they're off the public hive and you'll have to make a new character for that server/hive. Your character saves to the hive you're playing on. You could be connecting to different hives each time you play.

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I'll give that a go and see how I get on. I could understand a glitch once every now and then, but over the last 2 evenings I've exited and re-entered around 7 times, and each time I have to start from scratch.

Thanks for the quick reply.

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make sure you're not connecting to different hives

aka, the main hive vs a private server/hive and some private servers operate different hives than other private servers... vilayer private servers usually tend to all be on the save hive(usually)

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You're certain this is happening when you rejoin the same server?

A lot of servers are now private, so they're off the public hive and you'll have to make a new character for that server/hive. Your character saves to the hive you're playing on. You could be connecting to different hives each time you play.

If I'm honest, I have no idea. The last 4 times I was on the same server just to make sure that wasn't an issue. The first server I joined I later saw was listed as "Private Hive" which I figured was bad, so I avoided that after the first game. Is there a way to tell which are the correct servers?

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To clarify ... that's exactly how I exit and never had this problem.

Only time I've been surprised by "Oh wtf why am I on the coast ?!" was joining a private hive. Took me a few days to figure out to look for things like "PVT", "Private", and "private hive" in the server name / description in DayZ Commander.

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If I'm honest, I have no idea. The last 4 times I was on the same server just to make sure that wasn't an issue. The first server I joined I later saw was listed as "Private Hive" which I figured was bad, so I avoided that after the first game. Is there a way to tell which are the correct servers?

There should be a tick box on the DayZCommander search filter, with something like 'hide unofficial servers'. Check that and it'll show you only public servers.

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I've had that box ticked from the very start, so every server I've joined SHOULD have been official, even the one that said "Private Hive" in the title. Maybe I've just been unlucky.

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I wouldn't trust that checkbox completely. Just go into the "recent" server tab and pick the one you were playing on previously, if it's still a problem of starting back at the coast, then file a bug report I guess, because you're exiting correctly, and that shouldn't be happening.

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If it's definitely happening to you when you leave/join the same server then it does sound like there might be a problem. Make a bug report for sure. See if it happens on older/newer versions of DayZ, reintalling DayZ or Arma2 might do something.

I dunno :(

If it keeps happening,. at least standalone is coming soon. If you can't save your character hit up some populated servers and get your PvP on. May as well tighten up your skills in that area if you can't continue past one gaming session. Plus, if you die, then meh, you'd effectively have died when you log out anywho.

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Good point with the versions TheBaby, make sure you have the latest version of DayZ and the Arma2 beta patch. And then only join servers with the same, I used to get reset to the coast whenever I joined an earlier version a while back.

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OK, I just tried 2 different servers and they seemed to work properly. My location and gear were saved. I must have just been unlucky with my server selection. Cheers for the help though. I was convinced I was doing something wrong when logging off.

I actually lasted a whole 30 minutes then too. I had food, water, a hatchet, matches, basic medical supplies, and various bits of ammo. I thought I was set........ Then a pair of zombies ran at me. Swing and a miss on my part with the hatchet. I was knocked unconscious and eaten before I came round :oD

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:oD Cheers man. I'll just run next time I think!!!!

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