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Make health values same as vanilla arma 2

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A simple suggestion; I personally believe that the pvp fights in day z have been skewed heavily towards sniping because of the ability to 1 hit kill. However, the only reason that sniping lacks the perceived danger that is present in normal arma pvp is that return fire is no where near as deadly.

For example, in vanilla, 2 hits from a makarov, akm or m4 in the chest will kill. It takes a far larger amount of hits to kill another player in dayz. However, several weapons, specifically sniper rifles 1 hit in the chest, just like they do in vanilla arma/arrowhead pvp. This gives them a disproportionate buff, which makes the player base gravitate towards them.

For example, 2 shotgun slugs to the chest in day z is not lethal, but in normal arma pvp, you'd be hard pressed to survive a single shotgun slug to the chest.

So why is this a problem?

Take a hypothetical battle between a sniper and a group of 3 players with assault rifles at a distance of 300m. In regular arma pvp, the first player would die easily, as in dayz. The other two players would become aware and either move in to cover and if aware of the direction, may return fire. Now this is where the situation for day z and normal arma pvp diverges. In normal arma pvp, this return fire is incredibly lethal and a single hit (irrespective of hit location) is enough to deal with the sniper.

In day z however, an individual hit means very little to the sniper, unless it's a headshot. So he will be able to casually continue sniping.

This can be solved completely by making bullet damage against players the same as normal arma 2/arrowhead.

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This is actually a legitimate concern. It has a side-effect of making headshots disproportionally powerful; I've seen fights where one person has taken an entire mp5 mag emptied into their chest, popped their assailant once in the head with a makarov, and walked away the winner.

I'm not saying the ability for lower equipped players to win a fight based on skilled shooting is a bad thing, but the amount of damage players can just bandage up and walk away from after getting a lucky pop is; it significantly cheapens tactical maneuvers such as ambushing, since it's a race to a lucky headshot that often decides a fight, not who fires first or has their legs covered better.

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Agreed, the zombies don't really need to be more difficult, proportionally, they should do the same damage as they do currently. This suggestion is entirely for bullet damage.

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yep, good idea, i'm always in favour of more realistic damage/health mechanics but its not always suitable... I cant think of a game where it would be more suitable than DayZ.

Also agreed zombie damage is more or less right, it could perhaps do with a slight buff but at the end of the day a zombie flailing at you with its arms is going to be considerably less lethal than being shot.

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