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UK101 Admin abuse

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I started playing on this private server a few weeks ago. It seemed like a good server and I hoped to find one where people play fair. The main reason to play on a private server was that there are less hackers. When I joined I received a mail from the admin with the rules:

"Hey added you, enjoy, just so you know, we check the logs and any teleporting or vehicle creating will result in a ban.

There are no rules, except no scripting/hacking :)


All seemed well and I started playing. Although it was hard to find vehicles that sometimes is the case in Dayz and I just started walking, walking, walking and walking for one. After a while a friend of mine joined the server as well.

2 Days ago we finally found a helicopter after weeks of playing and searching. We went for a ride and while cruising we were in a lot of luck and found a second helicopter in a camp with some tents, a Ural and another car. (There are 2 heli's in game that belong to the 2 biggest clans that also have the admins in them). We took a weapon and then left with the second helicopter as well because this was a good opportunity to search for some cars with 2 heli's. There should be 80 vehicles in the server but we only found 6. We were really hoping to find the others. Because time was cut short we had to place the heli's off map with plans to look for a good place to hide them near our camp on the map. Wasn't anything in the rules that that was illegal, although I don't think it's entirely fair of us either. Anyway we placed them there and went looking for a decent place to hide em.

When we logged on today our heli's were gone. Weird, because they were placed off map (2km and 4km out) and noone finds em that quick. I thought it might be a glitch bad server restart so I walked back to the map and started some runs for loot. After a while one of the admins came online and then another player from the second clan came online as well. They started talking about their helicopters and how they are safe again because they TELEPORTED them back to their new camps. Camps that were replaced somewhere on the map since the helicopters were taken by us.

I told em I thought that was cheating, but according to them it wasn't because they were placed off the map by a hacker. Well, we're not hackers and I told them the heli's were taken by us. They told me that it was legit what they did because I shouldn't have placed them off map. I told them that even if we place the heli off map, it's still not ok to transfer them back to your own camp. You should at least reset them if you play fair. Besides, why does an admin ASSUME the heli's have been stolen by hackers and then check the locations of the vehicles, just because both of the heli's went missing the same day? They said that if the heli's had been on map they wouldn't have teleported them. So it's ok to check the locations of all the vehicles if yours are taken and you happen to be an admin? That aint right. If the heli's are in a place you don't like, then you just teleport everything back to your new sites. If you think a server is hacked, there isn't even a reason to relocate your camp but they did. They saw that their vehicles were taken and when they confirmed that no one from either clan took them they checked where they were and concluded from the location that they were hacked and took them for themselves again. That isn´t fair to all the players in the server that aren´t in the admin clans. There is no reason to check for vehicle locations without any proof that the server is hacked and even if they are off map, they respawn after 7 days. Taking them for yourself isn´t fair.

When I talked to them they were honest about it but then the main admin came online and immediately started cursing about how we shouldn't whine about our stuff and should just move on to another server if we didn't like what they did. It's a private server and they can do whatever they want to, but be warned that they don't play fair and do one of the worst kinds of admin abuse. As soon as their stuff is taken and they don't know by whom, they just take back what is missing by scripting/hacking/cheating and get abusive when confronted about it. Of all of this I have proof by screencaptures and I've added the one of them talking about teleporting the heli's.

Be warned people, if you want to play a fair game of Dayz, then don´t join this server! They don't play fair unless you are in one of their clans.

In the picture the admin Brave says: "Yeah, teleported it to our camp. Move to go out on fuel run to get enough gas to get it back to you." It's from the brave clan to the bandityeah clan.


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This is not a Server Report.

However since it looks like you've spent some time making this, I'll move it to the Private Hive Discussion.

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It was explained time and again, A new group were given access to the server when both heli's went missing. It was assumed this group were up to no good. When they both went missing we assumed it had been an attack.

With this in mind we decided to relocate the out of bounds back to where they were moved from because we thought it wasn't legit and seemed far too suspicious to us. We were then attacked by Walter and yourself who wouldn't listen to reason. We were called hackers cheaters you name it, all because we tried to do the best thing for the server users. It wasn't out of plain old selfishness or abuse, it was to get the server back to where it was as we thought before we felt we had been hacked. You were explained this time and again but still refused to listen to us and still went on and on and on calling us cheaters.

I have never abused my ability to manipulate the server in our favour or anyone elses, and I'm sure the other regular players whom also tried to explain this to you and who also had had enough of your abuse to the admins (Only one of the heli's was in admin hands!) will come here and also tell you that you were wrong in the way you acted and that we as admins have every right to follow up complaints from others and there own members if anything is untoward. Which is exactly as we did.

You say it is abuse, we say it is necessary action to maintain a server that everyone is happy with. Why should admins or other regular players have something taken by a hacker then not have it given back? Welcome to the world of private hives, where admins have had enough of vehicles being teleported off map (Where we found one) another reason we thought it was an attack and was unfair play on your behalf.

You even admit what you did was unfair, yet come here to claim unfairness, smacks of double standards, you and walter are now removed from the whitelist, for what? Admins trying to correct what they thought was an attack? Thanks for nothing, just so you know, if it's possible you'll be banned from all our servers from now on.

By the way, your post was moved because private hives aren't an issue for dayz staff, suck it up and move on cry face.

Edit : You really have no idea how or what a server looks like, claiming scripts is beyond ludicrous. It is database editing, far from scripting or hacking. You may or not also know that off map vehicle dropping is not allowed on Rockets servers also, it has been scripted to have these respawn if it is done, some months ago this was added I might add, so when I say there are no rules, clearly the dayz rules apply, or does it suit you to grab small parts of information and leave out others?

Edited by MinDBlanK
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If I was an admin, and the two most important vehicles on the server disappear from two different camps on the same day, i would be suspicious too.

And if I see then, that both vehicles are stacked together off map, i would probably also assume that this was done by scripters.

Two things have to be done know.

1. Revert the database to a version that has not been contaminated by script-kiddies yet.

2. Identify the intruders and ban.

The admins did not revert the database just for their own purpose. It's the reason people play on private hives.

Unfortunately there are in fact false positives. This seems to have been the case.

I don't actually play together with those two big clans on the server.

But once there was a coincidence, i met the "admin-clan" and they were very friendly to me and my clanmate. They took us on a heli ride.

They were actually searching for the second heli. They did not abuse their power by checking the position in the db/log.

I think this is a bad coincidence, and a rant post. But there is no admin abuse on this server, at least I didn't come across this yet.

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Peene, are you serious right now?

Read up on the rules man, Placing vehicles off map has never been allowed.

Regards, Robban.

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First of all, you say "the admin clans", we (the bandits) are just some irl-friends from sweden and dont know the admins other that we played some with em on the server.

You say "You should at least reset them if you play fair" , as Mindblank said u wouldnt listend to any of us, we told you we thought cheaters had taken it and then OFCOURSE the lost item should be spawned back to everyone who lost anything, you think that is abuse?

We said all theese things to you and Walter over and over again, and all you had to say was "abuse, cheaters, hackers" etc etc, Walter also claimed that the admins "teleport back their item as soon as they loose any" and thats pure bullshit and he said that over and over again as his only argument.

Mindblank also said that he could respawn the helis to the original location but your(or walter i cant remember) comment was "its to late, ill join another server".

And seriously, look what Mindblank said about the new group of people who joined the same day and 2 helis, all our cars and tents were emptied, from 2 camps.

A independent source sais also "If I was an admin, and the two most important vehicles on the server disappear from two different camps on the same day, i would be suspicious too."

Well im done defending this cause what you have to come with is just all bunch of crap, have fun on other servers full of REAL cheaters!

PLEASE correct me if im wrong Peene?

Edited by steijner
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The helis were off map and were teleported back to there original locations as we thought they had been hacked/teleported by a new group who had just been whitelisted but as we found out later you guys had placed them off map which is also not allowed!!

I told the admin to check where the heli's and robbans vehicles were as people were getting very annoyed about it, only the heli's were moved and the other vehicles left where they were as they were ON the map so had the admin found the heli's located on the map nothing would have happened to them and both clans would have had to go out hunting for them!

So you guys broke the rule that exists on almost every server about placing stuff off the map but you still accuse us of cheating/hacking when we move it back i really dont think we did anything wrong and im sure if you hadnt been so abusive towards admins and ppl on the server then we could have sorted all this out.

And robbans clan has no admins in it and there has never been any abuse by our admins.

Good luck on the new server you guys are joining but remember the basic rules plz

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Peene and Walter all I have to say is suck it up guys. You knowingly removed the two helos fairly which I have no problem with that that's the nature of the game, but to then hide both off map that's wrong. The reasons were explained to you on the night why they where both transported back to the locals taken from and you still shout and curse unfairness.

That was the fairest way to to turn back the server.

At any point in time I would of happily came and helped you out to get you car parts and so forth saying that I think most of the BRAVE clan would. Robben and the BOB guys can Atest to this.

I am sort of sorry that you feel the way you do but the abuse that you both hurled at the admin staff on a server which has had NO I repeat NO Hacking on it at was so so wrong. The reaction was totally over the top and you would not listen to reasons given.

A shame but your loss.

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A fair admin would have checked the server logs before taking any action, they could see then how the helis were moved off the map and they would have seen that you flew them. It's pretty obvious that this wasn't the course of action taken, instead they got pissed because their helis were gone and clearly abused their powers.

Seen it done so many times on private hive servers, that's why public hive can be better in some instances. It's tough to find a balance between active admins and admins who don't abuse their powers.

I know one server that I won't be visiting anytime soon, though it's a real shame that it's a UK server. I thought we were better than that but apparently not.

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A fair admin with time to do said task and know what he is looking for yes, sorry we don't meet the level of admin you prefer. It certainly wasn't done on a cusp and only for the benefit of keeping the server regulars happy.

Not everyone would agree apparently. But tarring it with admin abuse is a bit sour grapes....oh and moving it off map too, that's fair is it? Nope. So, whatever tbh! (That is also a reason private hives were created!)

Edit: I do realise the mail I sent out was a generic reply to being whitelisted, but my time has changed but I do try to keep up on the messages I get and try to sort things as best and quick as possible for everyone.

Edited by MinDBlanK

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I was under the impression that private hives where created to sort out hacking issues quickly, not so that power hungry admins would be able to dominate a server without any real effort. I was also under the impression that hackers upset the balance of fairness, hence the private hives.... Don't admins like you also upset that balance? Seems like you're in the same group as the hackers, albeit on a more long term but less invasive manner.

I think it's ridiculous that you would even bother, I know power is tempting and all but aren't you just cheapening your experience?

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Clearly you are Walter then eh, had enough talking to you.

I think YOUR opinion of what happened is ridiculous to say the least. YOU did the unfair thing in the first place, and had you not, the chopper would have remained where it was, it's that simple and still your going on and on about it.

No matter how delusional and ridiculous you make it, it isn't the case because you do.....Making me out to be a "power hungry admin" and "dominating" the server is pure fantasy.

Get over it, move on and stop trying to do whatever it is you are trying to. It is childish to say the least.

Edit: Note I said "Also a reason private hives were created" Not the SOLE reason, another ridiculous statement with only the words you decide to have in them or read?? I shall explain - To get rid of the unfair vehicle hoarding off map....

Edited by MinDBlanK

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Why're you even crying over the helicopters? There were two people in your group, and you had two choppers. All you can do is fly around, as you wouldn't have a gunner. They hold barely any loot, and it's not like you had to do any hard work to get the second one, anyway.

I'd take a Ural or a V3S over a chopper anyday, just because they can knock down trees, go a good speed offroad, and carry a ridiculous amount of loot.

They also have the best horn sound in the game...

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Clearly you are Walter then eh, had enough talking to you.

I think YOUR opinion of what happened is ridiculous to say the least. YOU did the unfair thing in the first place, and had you not, the chopper would have remained where it was, it's that simple and still your going on and on about it.

No matter how delusional and ridiculous you make it, it isn't the case because you do.....Making me out to be a "power hungry admin" and "dominating" the server is pure fantasy.

Get over it, move on and stop trying to do whatever it is you are trying to. It is childish to say the least.

Edit: Note I said "Also a reason private hives were created" Not the SOLE reason, another ridiculous statement with only the words you decide to have in them or read?? I shall explain - To get rid of the unfair vehicle hoarding off map....

Hahaha, clearly you can't learn to read a profile. I'd have to be real dedicated to having a second account, considering this account was made on the 17th of July this year, and also has 45 totally unrelated posts.

Also there's the fact that I've never played on UK101 and never will thanks to this thread, though I could do just to find your camp. Though that would be harsh (and totally pointless, as you'd spawn in new gear and vehicles anyway. It's unfair when people just join to blow up your stuff, right?)

I'm basing all of my opinions in this one thread, only on the OP's post and how you've presented yourself here. I'm also comparing you to other admins of previous private hive servers that I've regulared before and you seem to fit the bill rather nicely - Will spawn stuff in without hesitation but when it comes to hackers spawning gear in for themselves, you'll make it out that the world is ending. Unfair advantages are only cool when we have them, eh?

I'd say the real childish act here is trying to keep your unfair gameplay hidden, generally children want to have every advantage they can get, but it would be bad if people knew about it. I'm just trying to make sure people know what you're up to here, or at least have an idea.

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Hahaha, clearly you can't learn to read a profile. I'd have to be real dedicated to having a second account, considering this account was made on the 17th of July this year, and also has 45 totally unrelated posts.

Also there's the fact that I've never played on UK101 and never will thanks to this thread, though I could do just to find your camp. Though that would be harsh (and totally pointless, as you'd spawn in new gear and vehicles anyway. It's unfair when people just join to blow up your stuff, right?)

I'm basing all of my opinions in this one thread, only on the OP's post and how you've presented yourself here. I'm also comparing you to other admins of previous private hive servers that I've regulared before and you seem to fit the bill rather nicely - Will spawn stuff in without hesitation but when it comes to hackers spawning gear in for themselves, you'll make it out that the world is ending. Unfair advantages are only cool when we have them, eh?

I'd say the real childish act here is trying to keep your unfair gameplay hidden, generally children want to have every advantage they can get, but it would be bad if people knew about it. I'm just trying to make sure people know what you're up to here, or at least have an idea.

I think we all are tired of explaining what happend here and every person with common sense and some brains will understand after reading the comments that what MindBlank did was only ment for a good purpose and that he is not a abusive admin, and yes you do sound exactly like Walter since you simple can't understand what our point is, why he did so and why, you take out the the words you want to and dont listend to the whole situation.

If you read every comment in this thread and still think it was admin abuse, then i dont think anyone would want you on their server cause of your stupidity.

And btw, even admins are humans you know, believe it or not.

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Hahaha, clearly you can't learn to read a profile. I'd have to be real dedicated to having a second account, considering this account was made on the 17th of July this year, and also has 45 totally unrelated posts.

Also there's the fact that I've never played on UK101 and never will thanks to this thread, though I could do just to find your camp. Though that would be harsh (and totally pointless, as you'd spawn in new gear and vehicles anyway. It's unfair when people just join to blow up your stuff, right?)

I'm basing all of my opinions in this one thread, only on the OP's post and how you've presented yourself here. I'm also comparing you to other admins of previous private hive servers that I've regulared before and you seem to fit the bill rather nicely - Will spawn stuff in without hesitation but when it comes to hackers spawning gear in for themselves, you'll make it out that the world is ending. Unfair advantages are only cool when we have them, eh?

I'd say the real childish act here is trying to keep your unfair gameplay hidden, generally children want to have every advantage they can get, but it would be bad if people knew about it. I'm just trying to make sure people know what you're up to here, or at least have an idea.

Assuming I'm like all the rest and power hungry and whatever other negative words you can think of doesn't make it true.

You have NOT based that on my posts, because you have clearly made up "You would just spawn in new items" which has never been the case or has it ever been mentioned. There for, no, it isn't what you are basing your opinions on, it is pure fantasy created by your keyboard on this board.

So, if you aren't Walter, just another person much like these two who can't just take the admins decision as explained above, you have to add in pure non backed up lies to make something out of me I clearly am not, as the regular players here who have posted but are in no way related to our group or have any admin rights also disagree with you and you STILL think what you like. How about listen to what your being told instead of creating scenarios that are nothing but stories. Yes, it is childish.

The sooner this is put into the graveyard the better.

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I think we all are tired of explaining what happend here and every person with common sense and some brains will understand after reading the comments that what MindBlank did was only ment for a good purpose and that he is not a abusive admin, and yes you do sound exactly like Walter since you simple can't understand what our point is, why he did so and why, you take out the the words you want to and dont listend to the whole situation.

If you read every comment in this thread and still think it was admin abuse, then i dont think anyone would want you on their server cause of your stupidity.

And btw, even admins are humans you know, believe it or not.

Selfishness is not and has never been a good purpose, having your heli stolen legitimately is not a reason to call hacks. Who isn't listening to the whole situation here? Cause it's certainly not me. I understand that the admin is only human, and that's why I know he's (or she's, I'm not entirely sure and it would be terrible to offend) just as capable of selfish actions as the rest of us, and from the looks of things he did just that. Didn't think, but rather just acted instead... Or even worse would be that he did think, and took the wrong course of action.

I'd suggest that you rethink your comments, I'm not the stupid one here. I'd actually wager that you're involved so you're incredibly mad that your precious admin is actually a cheater and you just can't handle it. But of course this is all just speculation.

Assuming I'm like all the rest and power hungry and whatever other negative words you can think of doesn't make it true.

You have NOT based that on my posts, because you have clearly made up "You would just spawn in new items" which has never been the case or has it ever been mentioned. There for, no, it isn't what you are basing your opinions on, it is pure fantasy created by your keyboard on this board.

So, if you aren't Walter, just another person much like these two who can't just take the admins decision as explained above, you have to add in pure non backed up lies to make something out of me I clearly am not, as the regular players here who have posted but are in no way related to our group or have any admin rights also disagree with you and you STILL think what you like. How about listen to what your being told instead of creating scenarios that are nothing but stories. Yes, it is childish.

The sooner this is put into the graveyard the better.

At no point have I added in any fallacies about you, only speculated on what I think you may do. These are merely opinions and thus hold little weight in any sort of argument... Much like your opinion of me being Walter, or your childish tendencies. Do I have to add a little disclaimer in my sig now? "The posts made by this user are entirely opinion and not factual in any way unless explicitly stated"?

That would be too easy though, you wouldn't be able to get so defensive and half of your argument would dissipate.

The only fantasy here, I'm afraid to say, is the one curled lovingly around your incredibly defensive and fragile ego.

I'm sorry to break it to you like this.

At any rate, I believe you need to learn the usage of an opinion, perhaps combine it with conjecture. You might learn a thing or two. I would also like to add if we only believed what we were told then the world would be a very stupid and restricted place and we wouldn't have advanced past the stone age.

The ridicule of an opinion only reveals small men, I'd recommend you consider that. It's also quite a childish thing to do... I'd peg you at about 14, mentally.

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The fact you don't see how childish you are, shows how childish you are.

End of discussion.

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Some nice circular - and flawed - logic there.

The fact that you don't see how childish you are, shows how childish you are.

See what I did there? Anyone capable of basic English can do it.

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What happened was that you all thought the server was hacked because all your stuff was taken. That's the only thing that happened that day. Your camp was cleared out and not even by me. A camp on the NW outskirts of the map where every new player will look for camps. In the Dayz chat I was told that no one could've found that camp legally (surprise, we did. Every camp can be found) and because everything was gone you all decided to have a look and see where all the vehicles had gone.

There was absolutely NO indication that the server had been hacked and because you saw that the heli's were off map you decided to teleport them back. What I tried to tell you all is that your logic is flawed and that it's unfair what you guys did. You didn't check for hackers... you assumed there were. But just to be sure you also moved your camps to other places, just in case it were legit players that took your stuff.

We were talking about this in a normal manner and both sides were annoyed but then you, Mindblank the admin, came online and started swearing and cursing at us (everyone had been talking politely before) and telling us to f&ck off and shouldn't cry because our heli was taken back. You got nasty because you were annoyed. You say we attacked you, but that's not the case. Took screenshots too and the only one that got nasty was you and you do it again in these posts.

I don't mind it if my stuff gets taken in Dayz and I play fair. All the time on your server we never bothered anyone and you could've treated us with at least some respect. What I saw on this server was childish behavior. By admins taking back their stuff under the hacker pretense and by being verbally abusive when confronted with that.

Like I said online: if you are playing fair you don't check on vehicle locations when they go missing. Thats an abuse of powers. And I also said that when you found out that they were taken legally it would be fair to reset them instead of keeping them for yourself. Not for me but to be fair. I already said I wouldn't come back on a server where admins check locations without any REAL reason.

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Post the screenshots and shut this guy up. He's not addressing you because he's now aware he has no proof.

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Here's the proof of the teleporting and some small parts of the arguments that went on. I can only upload 500kb for some reason so I've just taken the most important one with proof and a few others showing the same language he has on this forum. From the second he came online it was only "f@ck this and f$ck that and so on... Really immature responses and exactly the same as in this thread. After a while we responded in kind until I left the server myself and Walter was kicked because Mindblank couldnt handle it any more.

No one on the server tries to hide the fact that they teleported the vehicles anyway. We just don't agree on the reasons why they were teleported. A completely looted camp wouldn't be a reason for me to check locations and teleport vehicles back to myself. It is for the admins on UK101. It's their server and their opinion so they can do what they want and they might even be justified to do so. I just think it's also fair that people know the way they act if this happens and I guess some people wouldn't invest time on a server like that. The foul language wasn't necessary at all and that was just childish behaviour.




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Proof of what?

Calling you retards and kids?

What happened is exactly like we said. We assumed what it wasn't, our decision stood then you started making shit up about creating our own items because we could.

Cerbo, your taking what these guys say for what reason? No wait, I know, because you too like to make up what we could have done (and never) for what reason?

We put the heli's back where they were fearing a hacker moved them, that is it, all the other stuff is complete bullshit, proof of what I again ask?

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