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Pobeda Dam vehicle flip

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Date/Time: 6/15/2012

What happened: Trying to cross the Pobeda Dam and Vehicle hit invisible wall flipped into the air with rider and got stuck sideways on dam

Where you were: Pobeda Dam

*Current installed version: 1.7

*Server(s) you were on: Dallas 27

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Same with bridge between "Pustohka" and "Vybor". ATV jumped and droped on left side. Speed was like 10km/h lol.

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I can also confirm this. If you look, there's actually a small "lip" or burr where the concrete (road) object doesn't quite meet up with the terrain, I think that causes the error in the physics engine.

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Aye, first time i passed it on like 80km/h and ATV jumped A LOT , almost got fliped on side but didn't. When i was goin back i thought "i will drive this bridge back carefuly". So when i tried crossin it on 10km/h ATV jumped EVEN MORE lol and fall on leftside :'(

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after a restart of the server you was on, it will flip back the ATV to normal. nothing much else you can do

also i believe this is more of a ARMA problem, then a DayZ problem.

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Yup, but my friend sayin that Arma it self got some "stuck" command for such case. Dunno if it's true

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Dock area surfaces like that on the dam are glitchy at best when in a vehicle its an arma II thing avoid going in vehicles on docks or Dams

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I have also experienced this, going onto a dam, the ATV flipped on its side.

No way of recovering, appears to be a physics glitch.

In the short term maybe a vehicle reset option? To right the vehicle if flipped? Until the physics issue can be addressed in Arma 2 itself?

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The gray dams are not terrain in Arma2 they are made of multi-objects and are thus extremely unfriendly to vehicles. They always have been and always will be so get used to just avoiding them because the ABSOLUTE best rocket could pull off without rebuilding them and thus making a different version of the map is making an unflip vehicle option.

If someone else doesn't I am going to make an Arma2 quirks thread so that people stop reporting Arma2 problems as DayZ bugs.

Edit: also ATVs are simple to un-flip on normal terrain. Simply angle your tires so the fronts stay in the air and then reverse until it comes back up. If you are on a hill make sure that you start reversing after you rotate the vehicle so your avatar is facing up hill or except it to take longer as it won't start to un-flip while the wheels are uphill. Also try not to get off as when an ATV is fully on its side it is almost impossible to enter. Also note that the position of being on its side doesn't seem to be always saved or register for people who weren't on it when it flipped so a fix can be as simple as reconnecting or bringing someone who doesn't see it as on its side to right it.

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I was moving too fast to realize there was a bridge, hit it, and flipped.

I unflipped it three times to a point where I could exit the bridge. The last one kicked me 30ft into the air, end over end, screaming like a little girl. Very awkward. Also seems to happen after crossing railroad tracks (not on them).

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This problem is well known in ArmA serie. This bug exist since ArmA1. There's scripts to unflip a vehicle.

http://forums.bistud...=unflip vehicle and http://www.ofpec.com/ed_depot/index.php?action=details&id=594&game=ArmA

I think you could find some better version in warfare missions. Rocket could easily implement this script in the next patch but I guess he's busy fixing serious net code bugs.



Edited by Nikiller

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Happened to me on Berezino docks too, flew high in the air then ATV wouldn't move without going vertical. Eventually flipped over and exploded!

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ATV's are four wheeled death traps from Arma... Unless I'm driving on clean roads I avoid them like the plague... They'll flip for the slightest reason and bridges/dams send them flying. Fun to watch... no so much fun while you're on one.


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Erm yes I drove the white offroad vehicle full speed down the hill with my mate thinking we could drive across Pobeda dam like a road...unfortunately we both died in the resulting crash and explosion...a zombie ate our barbecued remains. Lesson learned.

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Rubs chin.

Maybe I should camp there and gather up the stuff from the "accidents"...

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i'm all for the ATV unflip script. in real life it's hardly an effort to flip an atv over, so why not have this as an option?

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