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Sniper Zeroing sheet

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Hi guys,


So my friends and I tried to follow the great example set by the cherno police and players like Frankie and we went camper hunting. For me this nearly ended in disaster because I needed a lot of time to adjust the zeroing of my AS50. When I had a rooftop-camping bandit in my crosshair I first had to determine the distance, adjust my zeroing and by the time I was nearly done with that the rooftop-camping-bandit had spotted us and bullets were whistling past our ears. One of us got killed, the other got shot and luckily we at least were able to secure his corpse and loot.

Zeroing Help Sheet

Because of that unsuccesful and nearly disasterous adventure I'm currently working on a zeroing-help-sheet. The idea is that with this sheet you can quickly determine the distance to a target. It would work as followed:

Spot an object, determine the relative height on your scope, glance at the sheet to determine the distance and adjust your zeroing accordingly. Example: You spot a standing Z, it is two-and-a-half mildots high on your scope, In the column Standing Z you'll find 720 m distance in the 2,5 row so you adjust your zeroing to 700. Practising this ofcourse will in time give you a proper feel for distance and you'll need the sheet less and less.

As soon as I've finished the first version of this sheet (guessing later this week) I will of course share it with you guys.

But there are other ways...

Yes I know, but this way I think is the best. Using waypoint markers or rangefinders both require you to lose eyes from your target (if you haven't predetermined the distance to where you spot someone or don't have someone in your squad spotting for you) and scrolling I consider to be lame glitching. If you know a faster, easyer and/or more effective way please enlighten me!

So why are you posting this?

To create this sheet I need the height of all the things that can be usefull in determining distance. I found that standing Z's are 1.8 m, monkey Z's are 0.9 m and crawling z's are 0.4 m. I am assuming the height of a standing player is 1.8 m (the same as a standing Z), and the hight of a player in prone is 0.4 m (the same as a crawling Z), but I figure crouch-running and crouching players have a different height than a monkey Z.

The formula I use is (ObjectHeight×1000)/MildotHeight=Distance

The questions I'd like to have answered:

  • Is the information that I am using correct?
  • What are or where can I find heights of usefull in-game objects?
  • What objects you would like me to use?
  • Information about aiming with differently scoped sniper rifles.

An example of an object I'd like to use is a barn door. Quite common and and any other common objects that can be usefull. If it's common and has a fixed height I can use it. I'll be testing some heights myself using waypoint markers and my own scope, but some help would be greatly appreciated :)




Edited by Quazoosl
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looking on a list is stupid because:

1. you loose sight on the target

2. doing the math is WAY faster

why is it faster?:

depending on the accuracy of the list it will get longer(more entrys more accurate) or shorter (less entrys faster to find the right one... but more useless)

humans in dayz all have the same size so doing the math is a nobrainer

actualy you dont even need to because of what i just said(all humans same size)


this sheet is useless and slower than being smart

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Yes doing the math can be faster, but don't you think a sheet might be helpfull for ppl who aren't that fast in doing the math though?Also, knowing the height of the in game objects would help.

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you are saying (in the start post) that using map markers are to slow to be effective

BUT alt+tabbing and looking up a incredible big list is faster/ more effective?

also high difference between sniper and target makes a big difference and can not be included in a list

sorry but nothing can beat the 1 second you need to remember "target+mildotposition=range"

(btw solo sniping is stupid but thats a different thing and not to be debated here)

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Well my idea was to print it... Have I done something to offend you? I understand that you disagree with me but surely there is no need to call everything I suggest stupid.

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These math are pretty easy to do. Let me explain!

Starting from the formula (ObjectHeight×1000)/MildotHeight

You can asume that ObjectHeight is 1.8 for a standing man, and 1.2 for a crouched man

so your formula is:

1800/Mil or 1200/Mil

Moreover, assuming that you're sniping, Mil will be likely to be between 0 and 4. (if not, run, because you're too close!)

Most of the time, you will have to know the following (for a standing average man):

1800/1 = 1800

1800/2 = 900

1800/3 = 600

1800/4 = 450

So, if you can't do that kind of math, you should at least try to learn these simple values, you will save a LOT of precious time.

PS: Note that with some scope (AS50 for exemple), the formula is a bit more complex

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The steam overlay makes something like this quite useful, and yeah I'm usually too stoned to do math at my computer when I play. So I would find this pretty useful myself, so long as it had where to shoot on snipers that don't zero.

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So, if you can't do that kind of math, you should at least try to learn these simple values, you will save a LOT of precious time.

PS: Note that with some scope (AS50 for exemple), the formula is a bit more complex

Yeah I'd rather remember or write down those numbers than having to do math in the heat of the moment. A mistake can easily be made, especially under pressure. ;)

How come the formula is more complex with the AS50?

The steam overlay makes something like this quite useful, and yeah I'm usually too stoned to do math at my computer when I play. So I would find this pretty useful myself, so long as it had where to shoot on snipers that don't zero.

Yeah I was planning on making something usable for all snipers. Still need some info though on how to use the snipers with fixed zeroing.

Edited by Quazoosl

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So a sheet isn't that handy becouse it has a lot of numbers, but what do you think of this? (see attachment) x is distance in meters and y is height in dots


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Even if I will probably not use it, I must admit that it's pretty nice work!

About the AS50, the scope provides two magnification levels (3x & 12x), the formula depends on which zoom you're using.

In this case, the formula becomes:

Distance = (magnification/10) * (Size*1000)/ mil

For instance, a 1.8m guy, appearing 2mils on x12 will be at 1.2 * 1.8 * 1000 / 2 = 1080 meters

Suddenly, headshot.

Edited by Addict7
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It's good to get some positive reactions now :)

Thnx for explenation m8! I'll just make seperate graphs for the different zoom levels. I'd still like to find some heights of somewhat larger objects for more accurate zeroing in the maximum range of the rifles. Measuring distance by something that is 4 meters high will make the estimation more than twice as accurate as measuring by a standing player and about five times as accurate as by a player in prone ;)

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All "weapon zeroing... blah blah blah's" are useless. You cant take precise shot in DayZ. There's diffrence shooting off the hill, up the hill, on flat surface (there's not much of them, maybe cities, few meadows)[actualy sheets show that kind of shooting] so just prey for your luck aim little lower when shooting downhill, little higher shooting uphill and keep more than 1 mag in your sniper rifle. Its all you need.

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All "weapon zeroing... blah blah blah's" are useless. You cant take precise shot in DayZ. There's diffrence shooting off the hill, up the hill, on flat surface (there's not much of them, maybe cities, few meadows)[actualy sheets show that kind of shooting] so just prey for your luck aim little lower when shooting downhill, little higher shooting uphill and keep more than 1 mag in your sniper rifle. Its all you need.

I don't agree, I usually zero my rifle, and kill as much bandits as bullets I have in my mags.

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Both uphill and downhill should have the same correction btw. It's the horizontal distance that has the largest effect, and the drop isn't affected by aiming up or downhill. Or at least it shouldn't be. And perhaps this thing I'm working on might save you some bullets ;)

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So if I understand the formulas correctly the simple formula is for snipers with 10× maginification... Anyone know where I can find what snipers have which magnification? I'd rather have the calculation a bit more complex and be accurate with the graph ;)

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Both uphill and downhill should have the same correction btw. It's the horizontal distance that has the largest effect, and the drop isn't affected by aiming up or downhill. Or at least it shouldn't be. And perhaps this thing I'm working on might save you some bullets ;)

it should make a difference, its a difference if you aim at a person below you, then the drop is decreased, when aiming above yo, the drop of the bullet is increased, because you have diferent vertical and horizontal velocity portions

of course, the horizontal length is more then the vertical, but when aiming on a sniper on a roof in cherno, it is quite important

since i normally snipe with a dmr, i can remember two easy numbers for the full zoom: 2 mildots player heigth = 800 meters, that is the lowest mildot on the scope to aim with

at 600 meters, its two mildots to aim higher, 400 is the center, and beyond is a joke to account zeroing, just aim for center of mass

with the m24, its even easier, since there is no zoom choice, and when a target is two mildots high, or a half prone, i zero for 800, 3 mildots/0.6-0.7 600 etc., easy numbers to remember

just guesstimating, but until now it worked quite well sniping guys from cherno roofs

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it should make a difference, its a difference if you aim at a person below you, then the drop is decreased, when aiming above yo, the drop of the bullet is increased, because you have diferent vertical and horizontal velocity portions

You are absolutely right, I forgot about that. I was only thinking about the horizontal bullet velocity. Anyway using the new formula I constructed these graphs for the AS50. They should be accurate for horizontal usage. Adding the angle in which the bullet is fired would only overcomplicate things I think. I still need more information and time to construct the graphs for the other rifles.


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AS50 hasn't got thermal in DayZ. If you do find one with thermal sights it is a hacked gun and you should get rid of it. Don't know how thermal is turned on/off with the gun that has thermal. If it's even possible to switch it off that is.

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Here's a idea.

Get your ranges sorted befour you even think about who your gona hit. You can check ranges at possible targets so you know b4 the shit hits the fan

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Here's a idea.

Get your ranges sorted befour you even think about who your gona hit. You can check ranges at possible targets so you know b4 the shit hits the fan

Well that's exactly what I'm trying to accomplish. In my example I was just relocated, the bandit spotted me at the same exact same moment I spotted him. As you might know shit usualy has the tendency to hit the fan before you had time to prepare for it.

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20 years of shooting, 7 years in the military, and it's still always been "fire and adjust"

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Interesting read. Lots of valid arguments for doing the math and having notes, bear in mind snipers work in pairs so that someone can actually spot the shot for them and do all the work telling them what adjustments to make before they fire.

One thing I discovered was the difference in what I'd seen were the zeroing points of the DMR and M24. In the Arma2 info. on ranging and mil dots the sheets all show the DMR as zeroed at 300m whereas in Dayz it seems to be zeroed at 400m??

The same sheets show the M24 as zeroed at 250m, whereas again in Dayz it seems to be 200m?

So if anyone can confirm or refute the above I'd be very interested to hear it.

Also finally does screen resolution and aspect ratio make any difference? I play on a 4:3 monitor whereas I suspect the majority play on widescreen monitors?

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As far as I know DayZ (and most other games) have a fixed FoV (Field of View) that doesn't change with different monitors. As long as you don't edit the FoV your image will stretch with the aspect ratio. Since not only the foreground (scope) but also the background will stretch this should not result in any change in milldot height. More info about DayZ Field of View can be found here

I'm quite curious about the sheets you are referring to. Could you point me in the right direction there?

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