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Sound still on when minimizing the game. How can this be done?

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To clarifiy: I want the game sound to still be on even though I Alt+tab out to desktop.

The sound of the game can tell me when the game has finished loading. I don't want to wait 5-10 mins looking at the loading screen.

I don't like to play the game windowed mode although that would be an option.

There should be a command in the config files maybe.

Thank you.

Edited by sainjori

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You can easily switch between windowed and full screen mode by pressing alt+enter at the same time.

Mind you it only lets you switch at certain times like on main menu's , ingame server list or actually ingame.

When on loading screens I don't think you can switch between the two.

As for your orig question , idk :(

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You can easily switch between windowed and full screen mode by pressing alt+enter at the same time.

Mind you it only lets you switch at certain times like on main menu's , ingame server list or actually ingame.

When on loading screens I don't think you can switch between the two.

As for your orig question , idk :(

Whilst there is no direct fix for OP's issue as far as I'm aware, this can be used as a workaround.

Simply Alt+Enter before loading a map, and leave the window open behind your other processes, then Alt+Enter again once ingame.

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