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Fort Bandit and the case of the butthurt admins.

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Yes this is a rant. Yes i know its a private hive and they can do w/e they want. But for those of you who enjoy the ways of the bandit and enjoy killing ppl for their stuff enjoy getting banned from this server when you follow their chopper wreck their base and kill them. Enjoy your continuous case of anal frustration cryptix your server is trash.

Haters gonna hate.



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Moved me to tears. Of laughter.

Tell me where these lands lie so I may visit them lay in my spare time.

What a marvellous tale of heroics and infamy, dear deer, you had me trembling in expectation for a harrowing finale! And I am happy to see I was not deceiving myself in those thoughts.

Edited by Axelord FTW

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Lol you sir are an idiot. Who ever cryptic or what ever is. Is not an admin. I am "Caleb" the admin. Banned you buddy for hax. And you ran ur mouth.

So I banned youas well. Learn who the server admins are before you make a complaint.

If any other admins want guid let me know

Caleb: 1



Edited by FortBanditCom

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ahhh, this thread delivers on some fresh wednesday afternoon lulz :thumbsup:

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Post the logs server admin. You said he ran a vehicle repair script when all we did was attach a windscreen to a broken inst panel and the chopper fixed itself (which never happens on an alpha mod for a 3rd rate Fps running on an old engine after a major patch release).

Also tell them about xeovas the 15 year old server admin who got banned by ur anti script for teleporting and then magically unbanned. He was finally rebanned after major calls from the community for a ban

Balls in ur court hombre

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I would like to see these logs as well. Leads me to assume you don't know how to read them as many admins don't.

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Bumping since Caleb has had 3 days to concoct his half witted reply

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