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One is the loneliest number...

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So I have been pretty successful overall after not playing for so long. Found myself a bicycle and raided balota for some M4's, made my way to NW for my first bandit kill, stealing his M4A1 CCO SD in the process and grabbing an AKS-74 Kobra. Now that I have some pretty good gear, I am looking for a friend to play with! I have spare weaponry and I would be willing to go hunt bandits or find us a vehicle to ride around in. If I can join you and/or your group, PM me the time, place and server (I am in GMT -8, and I am available from 4-8 PM on most weeknights but not at all during the weekends). My brother does have a TS server we can use for larger groups, so yeah. Thanks!


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Nice original thread name, I like it!

And I'd like to join, but I'm also looking for a Private Hive to join.

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I could join on a private hive, but I wouldnt carry any of my stuff over so we would start fresh (assuming you don't have any stuff already)

Thanks! I personally love the song. PM me when you are ready to meet somewhere and we can start

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Room for one more. I have come to realise that if I carry on playing this game alone I will soon go insane lol.

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Been playing with these guys for a few months now, great group of guys, jump on our ts server and say hi! Dont forget to tell them captain rhodes sent ya!


Server IP: TS3 IP:

Looking for a heavily Admined DayZ Server with 160 + vehicles, planes, choppers, new cars, and much more. Large maps for groups to setup camps and not get them destroyed or looted quickly. We do not tolerate hackers or cheating of any kind. Our Admins will check logs and will be playing daily. Currently playing Panthera Island.

Join us on our TS server you wont be dissappointed!


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