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A story of luck

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I logged in on the hill of veresnik, went afk for a short while I brushed my teeth, and then when I came back and started moving I hear someone saying: "-Nice view you got here" and I was like WTF O.O, who was that, and then he said: "-Don't worry I wont kill you". There was a guy right behind me who had put his gun down on the ground a few meters away so I wouldn't shoot him when I noticed, a pretty smart thing to do(He probably dared to do it because I have hero outfit).

We talked for a little while and he asked me if there was anything I needed. I told him I had about everything and then jokingly added "-Except, like nightvision but you probably don't have that". Turns out he had a spare pair of goggles and he actually gave them to me, I was quite surprised, he also offered me a bike he had but I didn't take it.

So then we said goodbye and I headed of to Vybor to look for a camo/ghille suit. I checked a few buildings and in the office building I found something to top off my luck. right next to each other by the main entrance there was a ghille suit, a camo suit and in the middle, a mountain dew (too good to be true).

While walking through the rest of the town I had a rabbit following me(creepy as fuck), standing in doorways and just staring at me and running in and out of every building I entered, It even followed me out of the town and Into the nearest forest where I logged out, every time I stopped the rabbit stopped in front of me, turned around and just sat there staring at me.

The point of the story was that I have never been this lucky within half an hour, I can't belive I got everything I needed + nightvision in such a short time. Also, dat rabbit, weird ^_^



Edited by martinhjerpe
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Nice to see friendlies in this game isn't it? I think the power of the Hero clothing is improving and that we might see some real respect put towards the players whom have gone into the trouble to help people. Gratz on the Ghillie and NVG's :)

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Thanks, don't forget the camo suit ;). I always run around with ghille suit, camo suit and civilian clothing if I have them. I tend to use camo suit when just running around on fields and in the woods, ghille suit when I stalk someone and civilian clothing (hero outfit) in towns.

Also yes, I'ts very nice to see friendly people, not many of them around. I usually find bandits around every corner. I was quite suspicious that he would shoot me in the back when I let my guard down but it turned out fine :P

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If you found a Ghillie, Camo and a Mountain Dew between them then I´d say it´s probably someone that set it up just for the lols.

Who knows, maybe a hacker set it up, then turned himself into a rabbit to trick people. Just a stroke of joke beside that luck of yours.

Edited by morgan32
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  On 11/6/2012 at 12:54 PM, morgan32 said:

If you found a Ghillie, Camo and a Mountain Dew between them then I´d say it´s probably someone that set it up just for the lols.

Who knows, maybe a hacker set it up, then turned himself into a rabbit to trick people. Just a stroke of joke beside that luck of yours.

That actually sounds really reasonable.

The guy who I met suggested I go to Vybor and look when I said I was searching for suits, maybe he beat me there, put the things in the building he knew I would check, turned himself into a rabbit and just trolled me... wow, I never thought about that.

However, if that's true it must have been an extremely awesome hacker, It might just actually make sense.

Well, I'll never know will I? :P

Edit: the rabbits movements were a little unpredictable from time to time and when he walked through the doors in the supermarket they automatically opened or closed just as if it was a zombie. I don't know how the rabbit AI works so I don't know, what do you think?

I feel mindfucked.

Edit 2: An other detail I could mention is that the 3 items were not in the same lootpile even though they were so close to each other.

Edited by martinhjerpe

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  On 11/6/2012 at 12:54 PM, morgan32 said:

If you found a Ghillie, Camo and a Mountain Dew between them then I´d say it´s probably someone that set it up just for the lols.

Who knows, maybe a hacker set it up, then turned himself into a rabbit to trick people. Just a stroke of joke beside that luck of yours.

This is precisely what I would imagine. Tons of hackers like to turn into rabbits, and this sounds like an instance of a nice hacker. The way those 3 items were laid out seems really suspect to me. Plus the rabbit following you for so long.

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