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FogeyZ Gilly

Survivors hero's bandits and CANNIBALS

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Was rooting round nimlask starving and thaught I want to eat my kills.

Just a idea but what would the side effects be?

You could gut them and the raw meat could be human flesh.

But once you start eating survivors and bandits real raw meat doesnt give you the full 800 blood back. Say you only get 200 ...

Once you start eating them you get dependant ? You need some

Sort of antibiotic course to remove the need for human food?

You could make a rag tag skin for them?

Just throwing a idea at you boys and girls...

What you think?

Make the bandits who are the hunters be hunted

I like your hair clarise .. Is it yours?

Edited by English_infidel
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Well I don't see how this wouldn't work in DayZ, but if you can eat people, then newly spawned players would be targeted. And they're already being killed for no reason.

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encouraging bandits even more, think it has more cons than it does pros. I actually like it but not too keen on being hunted because some guy is starving when he could just ask me for some food?

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Just just can't unload a m107 at them and turn round and dissapere into the bush if you want there meat.. It makes them track them to a suitable position to kill and gut them.

But if you chose this path there should be pro's and con's like bandit/hero

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encouraging bandits even more, think it has more cons than it does pros. I actually like it but not too keen on being hunted because some guy is starving when he could just ask me for some food?

Bandits will just kill you because they can.

Say you get more meat/blood from a bandit so there the cannibals primary source if needed?

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We already have cannibals in dayz. They are called 'Zombies' lol... sorry dude i don't like ur idea... kinda freaks me out a little but it would give another reason to kill people.

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Bandits will just kill you because they can.

Say you get more meat/blood from a bandit so there the cannibals primary source if needed?

Good point i dint think of it in that way, another way around it is making it only possible to get the Bandits? this way people will fight back more against them and stops another reason for new plays being killed for there skin?

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We already have cannibals in dayz. They are called 'Zombies' lol... sorry dude i don't like ur idea... kinda freaks me out a little but it would give another reason to kill people.

Fair play. I take it you sell cakes at the Cherno supermarket for everyone?

It's dayz if you don't know them they fuckin get it

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mystery infection turning humans into zombies

better eat human flesh

what could possible go wrong

Say you eat someone who needs antibiotics.. You take on there infection. Anyway we're not infected that's why we're survivors

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Fair play. I take it you sell cakes at the Cherno supermarket for everyone?

It's dayz if you don't know them they fuckin get it

True, i do sell cakes :> They have explosives in them, to blow up some people. The zombies queue in all the way from cherno to stary, to eat my explosi cakes. :) lol

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Why not eat the zombies? Also, you would be called 'A smart zombie with a machine gun' if you start eating people after shooting them.

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Reminds me of a show i watched... in one episode they had smart crazy guys who ate you after shooting you... :(

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Not a fan of the idea. Though it might be 'realistic', for me there is a line somewhere. This is afterall a game and it cannot simulate real life in every detail, for example you cannot simulate the effort it costs to overcome the disgust of eating human flesh. So as 'realistic' or 'authentic' as the option to do this might seem, it simply is not. Because everyone would be doing it without a second thought making it very unrealistic. We already have the same situation with the 'shoot on sight' mentality. There really is no need encourage that even more.

But in the end it's Rockets decision, though same as with the zombie children this is also a matter of rating.

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Why not eat the zombies? Also, you would be called 'A smart zombie with a machine gun' if you start eating people after shooting them.

Let's not confuse things. You cake maker you

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Not a fan of the idea. Though it might be 'realistic', for me there is a line somewhere. This is afterall a game and it cannot simulate real life in every detail, for example you cannot simulate the effort it costs to overcome the disgust of eating human flesh. So as 'realistic' or 'authentic' as the option to do this might seem, it simply is not. Because everyone would be doing it without a second thought making it very unrealistic. We already have the same situation with the 'shoot on sight' mentality. There really is no need encourage that even more.

But in the end it's Rockets decision, though same as with the zombie children this is also a matter of rating.

Fair play. Thanks for your opinion. But when you get that hungry you will do antthing.

If it was worked like I said you get more from a bandit.. It makes the hunter hunted..?

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I would like it if I didn't think that it was kind of disgusting... The pro should be zombies don't attack you unless you attack them, BUT the con should be you have to eat zombies or humans only for food and water,until your character dies... Plus i realised their are not any cakes in dayz = i now sell beans.

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