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bad connection, character reset...

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Hello everyone!

First of my connection isn't that great and all But I cna usually play on good servers with around 40-70ms.

Today when I started playing I first noticed after I disconnected from a server and reconnected that my character

was standing somewhere else than from where I logged out...the place where i FIRST logged in...

So my connection dropped quite alot today, maybe with 10-15min inbetween the drops. Usually I got a kick from

the server due to pings reaching over thousand.

Each time i relogged my character starts off from the original start-off point from where I first logged in on the server.

Every item I looted during this 10-15 min period got deleted.

During this period I could talk to people, loot, exchange stuff with other players as usual but whenever I got the

pingdrop+server kick it was = position reset + item reset...

I've been trying to play with a friend now for about 2 hours with these "periods" coming and going, some lasting longer

than others but always with the same outcome...

Never experienced this before to-day.

Appriciate if someone have any suggestions.

PS. My connection have always been this shitty and I've played for a long time now.

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