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=ADK= | Private hive and Whitelisted hive Servers | Chernarus | 24/7 Admin Monitoring and daytime | Custom Vehicles | Spawn with gun | Teamspeak

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Currently we have 75 vehicles on the map since a number of them blew up and stuff..

I am considering doubling the vehicle count to 150. Any one have an issue with this?

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Server will now automatically restart every 3 hours. There will be a 60,30,15,5,1 minute warning on the restarts.

10am - hard restart

1pm - mission restart

4pm - hard restart

7pm - mission restart

10pm - hard restart

1am - mission restart

4am - hard restart

7am - mission restart

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Hooray for automatic restarts. I'm looking forward to some good PvP next time I join.

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May I enquire about what weapons you have and do not have on the server? Have you excluded any weapons or can find all Arma2 weaponry?

Have you considered adding a fire station to Zelenogorsk and/or market to Kamenka to further dilute the chance of intentionally suicide after a Kamenka spawn? Or add 1 barracks to NE airfield?

Very interested!

Thnx, take care

Edited by droscoe

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Droscoe we've been discussing adding such things. NE is one of the biggest things we want to expand on. We have vanilla chernarus at the moment but we're going to set up a new loadout shortly.

Private Hive is 24/7 days.

Whitelist has a night cycle and we're populating both now. We're looking for some fun people to join our community and give us some good fights and some fun shit to do. If you're interested in coming for a looksy and joining the community we're def. willing to welcome you.

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People will be spawning in with a golden revolver in the comming days.

We are also working on custom weapons + custom buildings + automatic fuel filling like the lingor island gas tanks.

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