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Extreme lag/stutter with GTX 580?

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Nevermind, my issue seems to be server related.

When a server is freshly restarted, I run 60fps no worries.

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Yup, it also heavly depend on server.

I got:

i5 2500 stock

8gb DDR 3 1600Mhz Ram

MSI GTX 580 TwinForz II/OC

800W psu

Game installed on SATA III HDD (WD Black series)

All settins on High (Cept Postproc & vSync witch is off) and i got shiney 50-60 FPS in Cherno/Elek etc and 80+ on Wildreness

But some servers is laggy to hell and i got like 20 FPS in Wildreness : P

Just avoid such servers : )

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i have a gtx 560 ti and stock q6600 as well and i get crap (<25) fps and im running on the FREE version! i dont understand! i should at least be able to run it above 30 fps on medium especially for the terrible free version.

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GTX 680 2GB running at stock speeds.

(using Arma 2 Free' date=' textures set as high as they can go, i.e. low)


can afford GTX 680

cant afford ArmA II: CO

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I can't play smoothly on my watercooled GTX 580 on the lowest settings -_-

Anyone know of a fix?

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I've got a GTX 580 and on some servers (ex. US 811) I get like 10 FPS. It's strange. On other servers the game runs fine. I've got an OC'd Ivy Bridge i7 (4.2GHz) and 16GBs of RAM. I run the game at these settings and on good servers I've never seen the FPS dip below 30FPs.

Quality preference: Very High

Interface resolution: 1920x1080

3D resolution: 1920x1080

Texture detail: Very High

Video memory: Default

Aniso: Very High

Antialiasing: Low Disabled

ATOC; Disable (Can see through trees and grass better)

Terrain detail: Very High

Objects detail: Very High

Shadow detail: Very High

HDR quality: Normal


Postprocessing effects: Very High

Vsync: Enabled

I also run with -maxMem=2047, -cpuCount=4, and -exThreads=7.

Edit: Also, unless I'm checking performance I run the game with my framerate locked to 30FPS via nVidia Inspector. 30FPS looks smooth enough to me and I don't like my framerate jumping around (which happens a lot when you're turning around and looking at different areas in this game), because it creates a jarring effect.

Edited by avaint4
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I've got a GTX 580 and on some servers (ex. US 811) I get like 10 FPS. It's strange. On other servers the game runs fine. I've got an OC'd Ivy Bridge i7 (4.2GHz) and 16GBs of RAM. I run the game at these settings and on good servers I've never seen the FPS dip below 30FPs.

Quality preference: Very High

Interface resolution: 1920x1080

3D resolution: 1920x1080

Texture detail: Very High

Video memory: Default

Aniso: Very High

Antialiasing: Low Disabled

ATOC; Disable (Can see through trees and grass better)

Terrain detail: Very High

Objects detail: Very High

Shadow detail: Very High

HDR quality: Normal


Postprocessing effects: Very High

Vsync: Enabled

I also run with -maxMem=2047, -cpuCount=4, and -exThreads=7.

Edit: Also, unless I'm checking performance I run the game with my framerate locked to 30FPS via nVidia Inspector. 30FPS looks smooth enough to me and I don't like my framerate jumping around (which happens a lot when you're turning around and looking at different areas in this game), because it creates a jarring effect.

I second this! Some servers I join with an immense amount of lag where as most run smooth. I know it sounds weird. My specs:

i7 @ 2.67GHz

GTX 580


Also, does anyone else's card run hot with high usage while playing during the night (within the game)? When playing at a daytime setting it runs anywhere from 45c to 55c where nighttime settings run at 70c... sometimes a little higher..

Edited by senor_rall

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I second this! Some servers I join with an immense amount of lag where as most run smooth. I know it sounds weird. My specs:

i7 @ 2.67GHz

GTX 580


Also, does anyone else's card run hot with high usage while playing during the night (within the game)? When playing at a daytime setting it runs anywhere from 45c to 55c where nighttime settings run at 70c... sometimes a little higher..

That's strange. I haven't been monitoring my temps, so I can't say if there's a difference. By the way my fans get moving while playing DayZ I've always assumed it was running hotter than with most other games, but I've never bothered to check because I've never experienced any issues I'd typically associate with heat. If I remember I'll check into it next time I'm playing.

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