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mclovingsfilms :D

I'm back! whats new and whats old?

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I had to make a new profile D: been awhile since I came here, is the mod less buggy? less childish player on there knees begging for there life or loot? After a crushing defeat me and my bandit friends lost all there sniper rifles and other weapons we were murdered horribly by ak47's and zombies. Sp Any good bandit groups I could group with? well I don't know if i'm a bandit.. I just kill heavily gear'd people and give things I don't need to newly spawn characters and bolt. :3

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They removed the ability to alt F4 and Abort in combat in the most recent patch.

Also, depending on how long you've been gone, they also brought back the bandit skin, (when you kill players, you will recieve a skin change.) and they added a Hero skin (What i currently have) which can be obtained by helping other players. IE: blood transfusions, morphine, things of that nature.

aside from that, zombies are still broken IMHO, they should be a whole lot slower so that they arent stopping every 5 seconds while chasing a player, but right on after THAT, Yes. the mod itself has become a whole lot less buggy than it used to be.

Lastly, on your bandit group question: You should probably make a post on the bandit campfire section, you're almost guarenteed to find a group there >:D

oh, and welcome back. :D

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whats new and whats old?

Steak still cannot drive.

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