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That was weird.

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So I fined a fellow wanderer in Cherno inside an apartment building. When I confront him I say "Hey buddy." In my head I thought he didn't hear me because he didn't look at me as he had his back turned looking at gear. I type in chat "Hello" That grabs his attention as he looks around at me. At this point I believe he is terrified because I do have a bandit skin. I turn and run to a corner where he can see me, back turned, and without thinking I say "I am not gonna hurt you!" Remembering I type in chat "I will not harm you." He still has his gun pointed at me. I turn around, gun on the stairs while looking at him, his buddy goes down the stairs trapping him from going up. Next thing I say in voice "What kinda gun you got there?" I honest to god was looking for a trade because I don't like the m16 I have right now and would enjoy akm or einfield. Finally, I get a message saying. "Session lost."

I literally told the guy that I wasn't gonna harm him, but he still left. Are people getting extremely cautious in this game now? When someone tells me they won't harm me I trust their word with whatever trust is left in that game with a watchful eye over the person, I don't just leave the game, especially if I was host.

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Rule number 1.... Never trust anyone without Good reason and even then be cautious... and a personal rule of mine - If I see a bandit mask moving I Shoot at it until it stops moving... Just being honest.

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I'm a medic.

like, i run near people, get in a good position where they dont see me, and say

"Hey man, you need a transfusion?"

50% chance they abort

45% chance they run away screaming

5% chance they shoot me.

Its come down to the point where i want to keep my damn hero skin, so i will chase your ass down and you will TAKE MY BLOOD TRANSFUSIONS.

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