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As the title says; snowsuits, for those snowy maps, in the mod and the standalone.

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lol, suggestions for mods that do not pertain to the official dayz mod belong elsewhere. Chernarus has no snow, but if you want clothes for cold you could detail your idea, but if you dont just know clothing has already been discussed

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In namalesk they have warm clothing, which keeps you warm, which is really needed on the map because I find my self cold alot more on that map, so im always hording aload of heatpacks.

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All these changes of clothes should be robbable, the number of times I've come across a suited dude and can't take his clothes is beyond a joke!

I mean that in a normal heterosexual manner, and in game!

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All these changes of clothes should be robbable, the number of times I've come across a suited dude and can't take his clothes is beyond a joke!

I mean that in a normal heterosexual manner, and in game!

Oh wait...

Edited by Steppwolf
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the other maps are not made by the Dayz team so it dont really help putting it in here

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Higher you get the colder it gets, so It don't matter what map, whether official or private. weather should play a part and this clothing issue will affect the SA anyway. Clothing options should be as real as real areas and situations.

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