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Namalsk Ramdisk help..

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<p>Hopefully someone can help me!!<br />

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the problem is this.. I get the same shitty performance in Namalsk that I used to get in DayZ until I started using a Ramdisk. So I assumed that the solution would be to add both the @namalsk + @ DayZ_Namalsk folders to my ram drive.<br />

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Thing is though, I really don't think that the game is using the ramdisk. i've added the following to the "additional launch parameters" through DayZ commander  -mod=D:\@namalsk -mod=D:\@DayZ_namalsk   "D" being my Ramdisk,<br />

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However even if I change the additional launch parameters to -mod=Z:\@namalsk -mod=Z:\@DayZ_namalsk  "Z" being a nonexistant drive, the game loads and playes the same as with the correct additional Launch parameters.. any help would be greatly appreciated, would be super sweet if I could get it to run as well as DayZ does using the ramdisk.. <br />

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So I guess, what am I doing wrong?   how do I solve this?</p>

Edit - I solved this myself! thanks anyways..

How I solved this..

I deleted the 2 Namalsk folders in the default install location..

joined a Namalsk server and the game loaded.

Next step I deleted the 2 folder on my ram disk and tried to rejoin server = Failed..

game is is definately using ramdisk..

Edited by Calibre

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Its the server, the more full it is and no restart the worse the lag , find a low pop server that has reg restarts.

Edited by TxBeanReaper

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