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why is this so erratic?

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Ive never logged out and back in and had the exact same character and now for some reason im spawning at the end of the map in the middle of nowhere having to run for miles everytime i join a server or respawn

my character NEVER saves yet it seems to have saved my respawn point so far out i get bored just bloody running to find somewhere

this game's not as good as i expected either, i got it 3 days ago, played for about 5 hours so far and so far all i've done is ran between villages find no weapons and dying non stop

not to mention every EU server is either full, has a password, or is russian

Edited by pingu53
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It seems that youve started on different NonHive Server. I use the DayZCommander to join games, there you can make favorite servers and easy see these who arrent attachted to the hive. I play on one NonHive Server since 1 month only. These NonHive Server are not connected to every other servers (sometimes they are conntected to 1-2 other servers).

On the offical websites it says 1 hours and 5 minutes averages life expectancy, so what did you expect?

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Yeah, sounds like you've been playing on private hive servers. Your character won't carry over between those servers so either pick one and stick to it or play on main hive servers. I'd recommend choosing a private hive server as they have less hackers.

Also, the game will become more fun as you improve, survive longer and figure out where stuff spawns. Stick at it! ;D

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These guys are right, I'm sure. You have to be able to identify official hive servers from the private hive servers. Both are permitted, in fact private hive servers seem to be actively encouraged. There's good and bad in that but that's another topic.

All servers running dayz are official hive (linked to the same hive, so you have the same character in all of them). All servers running dayz chernarus are private hive servers. Now there are lots of private hives, not just one. So you need to write down or make note of which server you play in as you will have a different character in each hive. A hive is a linked set of servers. So you might find that in lots of BLISS servers you have the same character (but there are some BLISS servers that are separate hives, so you'd have a different character in each). And you might find you have the same character in netrado.net servers, or vilayer.com servers.

If that doesn't make sense let me know, and I'll find another way to put it. It can be very confusing when you first play. And you do need to know where you're playing for things like tents and vehicles, so it's important.

Also, it might be worth downloading dayz commander if you haven't already. It keeps note of recent servers you played on, and that's help. :thumbsup:

By the way, finding no weapons is all part of the fun, as is dying non-stop. It did that for 2 weeks and I will never forget (and sadly never re-live) those first, early moments of fear, excitement and panic when coming across zombies or players. :beans:

Edited by Sula

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