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Duck -TG-

a couple suggestions off the top of my head.

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I have seen one of these already somewhere on here, but here are the suggestions I have to add into DayZ that I think would be spiffy.

1. The one I have seen, Roaming Zombies. People feel a sense of safety when they are not near buildings because there are no zombie spawns (unless you are near a blind or whatever). I think a roaming squad of zombies would snatch that safe feeling away. Keeping us on our toes at all times.

2. Spooked animals. I think that animals should be spooked when you come across them and take off. This would make getting meat a tadf more difficult and add more difficult into obtaining raw meat. Plus some folks could enjoy the whole hunting aspect of it.

3. Free the zombies. Right now if you make it in a building you can be pretty comfortable as long as you are not making noise because zombies do not roam freely into buildings and they do not spawn in them. Let them roam freely into buildings. Yet another facet that would keep people on their toes more in my opinion. This game (to me) is all about being on edge, not knowing what that crack was in the woods, beads of sweat rolling down my forehead because I have zombies near and I saw some other players looting just a couple houses down from me. Love that feeling.

4. Let the zombies run in the house, even with scissors. Slowing zombies indoors really makes it much easier to cap them and get away. Let them run just as fast in doors.

5. Last but not least (I am sure this has to be around somewhere) let the infected infect. A fever, shock, hunger, thirst everything goes haywire until you get it all taken care of with antibiotics and the like. If you do not do so quickly, then you start losing health. It gets down to 2000 and you start the typical blacking out, then 1000 and you feel death grasping your throat, 300 goodbye cruel world -100 wait what? You are now a mindless infected hopping, crawling, and walking looking for your next meal. Think it would be pretty spiffy to be an infected, even with the disadvantages they would/could have.

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I think in the next patch the Zeds will be spawning inside building now.

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I think in the next patch the Zeds will be spawning inside building now.

Glad to hear it. Really liking the stuff I have seen that they are adding in the next patch. This game just keeps getting better.

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