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Why did u become a bandit??

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I literally just became a bandit and accepted it. Murdered my first person intentionally (others have been in self defense).

I was a good man. Minded my own business and worked hard. Found and built a car by myslef, looted NW airfield stealthily without killing anyone or dying, and fell in love my UAZ Jeep. But when I went to hide it in the forest, I logged back on to see it gone. Saw the asshole driving around cherno (near I parked in forest). I was like "hey! If youre friendly pls give it back I spent a lot of time fixing that!" Unsurprisingly, all I got back was a "Fuck off..". This changed my attitude towards every player.... He drove far away, so I sat there all sad. Then I spotted someone running towards DJ erno. I layed down in my Ghillie, scoped the DMR, and fired. An innocent man no more, I was.

I am a Bandit now....all because of a "Fuck off...".

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I became a bandit after getting popped by 2 people i helped..

I had 3 bloodpacks, and then the standard equipement, when i was in cherno..

One of them was hurt badly, i gave them 2 bloodpacks so they had one spare, they thanked me, and then proceeded to shoot me in the head..

what did i have?

makarov with 4mags, waterbottle and beans..

what a score they made..

Day after?

I was parked 800-1000meters in the woods with my guillie and svd dragunow camo, sniping whoever tried entering cherno, and firestation, church..

Got killed by a co-bandit when i hit 28murders..

but hey, got my revenge!

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Started near baloto saw a guy with an AKM infront of me,killed him took his AK and beanz

First time playing dayz ever,since then I resounded to more trickery whilst killing my victims,sometimes I would stalk them for 30 minutes till I get a kill shot.

Sometimes I just let them pass if it's not a good place to kill,if im a makaroni bandit then just run through cherno with 300 zombies and tag em on the nearest player

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I simply enjoy hunting people - including (perhaps especially) other bandits*. I don't do it to grief, I just enjoy the thrill of hunting and killing other players. That's it. There's no malice in it.

*Why especially other bandits? Because other bandits are predators and are better game. Killing a tough adversary, a fellow predator, is more satisfying than killing a harmless survivor who has just spawned. The kill is riskier, so it has more value to me.

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I became a bandit after I realized how pathetic it is to try to help people. So many unnecessary deaths. People will shoot first every time anyway.

After all, you stand in front of the choice to kill someone and loot all he has... or risk getting shot after hours of playing.

There is no reason provided to not kill everyone you meet... no advantage in helping others.

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There is an advantage, teamwork and survive in numbers. Honestly though I am getting tired of waking up on the beach so I am starting to debate about becoming a bandit. I spent days in cherno helping people who were being chased down, being a lookout for the weak, I felt like a freaking super hero (standing on top of buildings didnt help) but then I would die for no reason. People would spot me when I didnt even see them and they would shoot me. I would help people, not expecting a reward, only to get shot. So looks like I might become a bandit, not shooting on site, but if we have a stare down I might just have to pull the trigger. Don't worry, I'll aim for the knees, maybe I'll just wound you and I'll let you crawl away.

Thing was I was always willing to team up but it always backfired on me, I'm just tired of getting the short end of hte stick.

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I saw a guy with a sniper rifle... and I just couldn't resist!

Shot the poor bastard in the back with my Winchester.

He'll probably never know what hit him!

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Humanity has a good side and a bad side.

The bad side strikes for an opportunity.

The good side strikes for civilization.

It all depends on the mood you are in...

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Humanity has a good side and a bad side.

The bad side strikes for an opportunity.

The good side strikes for civilization.

It all depends on the mood you are in...

Now that is a signature!

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I simply enjoy hunting people - including (perhaps especially) other bandits*. I don't do it to grief' date=' I just enjoy the thrill of hunting and killing other players. That's it. There's no malice in it.

*Why especially other bandits? Because other bandits are predators and are better game. Killing a tough adversary, a fellow predator, is more satisfying than killing a harmless survivor who has just spawned. The kill is riskier, so it has more value to me.


No better test for a true hunter than to hunt something that can hunt back, eh?

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I became a bandit just to watch a person die at the end of my rifle. I've always wanted to be a hunter in games but it could never actually happen because there are always a set of rules or " Teams " prohibited me to just shoot and kill what I wanted. It's not that I DON'T want to keep fun game. You play your game, I'll play mine.

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Well, it started like a regular day looting buildings when all of the sudden Boom Boom Boom 3 gunshots i ready my AKM and start looking when all of the sudden a lone noob is looking through my backpack I turn around i Say "HEY GIVE THAT BACK" He says "Im Sorry Here" He put it back it they I said "Good" BOOM! Then He Was Dead...

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I have no sad story, nor have I ever been killed, and I've only had the game for a day.

I get my kicks from tricking people and stealing from them. As soon as you're of no use to me, you'll be dead, rather than being a burden.

Saying that, I suck at Day Z right now, but the time will come.

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I'm not really a pure, hard on bandit but I just got so paranoid. I went into a fire station with the AKM I found going looting. In side chat, the server had it enabled, I saw people asking if there were any friendlies in cherno, I answered yeah and told them where to meet. Now one of the people arrive and tells me that he just got shot by 2 people outside. I got ready because I had died just about 14 times because of PK'ers. One came up, 7 rounds later 1 dead man. The other guy downstairs says friendly in side chat. I said "SAY IT IN DIRECT CHAT OR RISK GETTING SHOT" because I didn't know if the guy downstairs was the same guy in side. He peeked his head up and I missed 2 shots, he did it again, 4 headshots.

I really hated doing the act but paranoia got the best of me.


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The hunt... the moment you spot your prey, to the recoil of your gun. the increase in your heart rate, your palms getting sweaty, I have never gotten such a rush hunting someone in a video game. I spent an hour tracking 3 people near bolota airport waiting for the moment to engage, they thought they were safe after looting running to the tree line, my DMR had something to say about that. 10 shots later i got all three of them and had about 20 zombies chasing me. by the time i had dealt with the zeds (3-5 minutes) their bodies had already disappeared.

Its all about the hunt. tracking, stalking, executing, and reaping the rewards.

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I think the moment when I said "Alright, fuck everyone else" is probably my third life in DayZ and also my third death to a bandit.

One of the first times was a sniper, fine.

Another time I helped kill a couple zombies chasing someone who proceeded to thank me with a bullet in my skull.

Then the third time I was running along the coast, saw someone coming towards me, so I saluted. He didn't take too kindly to being saluted at.

Considering I only played a couple of games and died three times to players after I didn't do anything wrong, I changed my attitude to the point where I trust no one. I do wish I could have someone that could give me a blood transfusion sometimes though... but I think it is more likely that they will kill me and then take the blood bag and run so I don't lament on it for too long (since I usually die anyway haha)

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Because if you don't you have a 1 in 6 chance of getting shot on sight by whoever you meet next.

To put it another way, would you take an unloaded revolver, put a single bullet in it, spin the barrel, point it at your head and pull the trigger? Because thems the odds if you try to be friendly with strangers in DayZ.

To survive the longest you need to avoid others or shoot on sight.

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When I first started playing this mod, people always wanted to team up and be my "friend", but sooner or later they always stabbed me in the back. I got tired of it and decided that no one will ever stab me in the back. Now I'm the one shooting others.

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After spending much time unarmed and always announcing myself in areas, then being shot regardless, I have decided to go bandit. I have lost count of times I'd be unarmed and be scavenging for food and medical supplies and end up getting shot. I'll say things like "I have no weapons. You may take whatever you want, just don't kill me." And what do people do? Shoot you. Why? Because **** people. That is why. So. What am I going to do? Camp the **** out of a populated area with a sniper rifle and keep it all to myself. PRIVATE PROPERTY! TRESPASSERS WILL BE SHOT. SURVIVORS WILL BE SHOT AGAIN! (pun!)

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I just enjoy the thrill of the hunt. Killing zombies is fun, yes. But searching for items when you don't want to deal with them? Pretty annoying. I just like to find a barn, get a CZ 550 and wait on the outskirts of town killing people and taking their loot because I'm too lazy to search for it myself.

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