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Why you kill unarmed players

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Edited by Tilen

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I kill plyers of every description because I damn well feel like it, and that includes unarmed bambies who literally spawned 30 seconds ago.

Does this make me a dick to some people? Sure.

Do I give a shit? Fuck no.

What pisses me off the most is those retards who find it impossible to believe that someone who acts like a dick in a fucking video game isn't necessarily a dick in the real world.

Edited by Solipsist
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Far to old and wise?

check my profile, i am not a kid, th fact you say your wise and assume im some dumb 13 year old shows you didnt even check my profile that isnt wisdom, its arrogance

Thats funny, because that also makes you a nobody if you are using that context.

It is impossible to determine someones state of mind through a forum

I do not get my ass kicked in the game, perhaps I should record my gameplay for the next week, maybe I should play it 24/7 so you can tell me the footage is faked and that its someone else playing.

Times ive died in the last week: Once, and that was due to a hacker.

Longest time ive survived, 30 days and counting, 11 on panthera, roughly 10 or so assholes killed because I dont go looking for trouble, I survive, perople saved? At least 20-30 people needed help and I gave it

This is not to brag, but you need concrete facts to back up your weak attempts to make yourself feel superior to other people.

Like ive said before, you kill bambis and insult people because it makes you feel bigger than them, its adds to your ego where as I require no additions to my Ego, because I am happy with everything I do and how I play.

Im stating facts with evidence:

1. You kill and insult people = makes you feel better

2. Old and wise? = your just being arrogant believing your way is better than anyone else

3. You are the immature one, I have suggested we end this dicussion to get back on topic and yet you continue to attempt add to your ego = immature

4. Accusse someone of pycological problems on a forum, thats just retarted. Talk on the internet is often mis interpretated as someone its not due to lack of facial expressions etc = You are grasping at smoke, trying to find any way to insult or start an argument because you have nothing better to do.

5. I have accepted you want to be a douche and get yourself killed, thats fine, i dont care, its a survival game/ mod. If you dont want to survive and want to kill people, why are you even playing this?

And against me:

1. The way I talk on a forum does not indicate how I am in real life, I could be a complete asshole who would never help anyone in real life or I could be the most decent person someone could ever meet. = Accusing someone of pycological problems on the internet is such a weak argument, so then I can say you must be a hairy hobo serial killer with a large collection of guns waiting for the chance to go on a murder spree with his pedophile buddies who he will shoot in the back of the head as soon as they expire their usefulness, tell me im wrong as this will just back up my argument that you cant judge someone based on what they write on here

2. It has nothing to do with roleplay and preaching, I want to give people a better experience in the game. Eventually you will get board of all the mindless killing, be it in a month or a year you will move on to another game, I will not.

Helping people and actually having some variety in my game will keep me interested for years to come if the standalone is good.

3. I said we can end this stupid discussion, yet you continue to reply. A simple:

yes, fair enough we have different playstyles lets just stop being babies would be fine, but you continue to try and make yourself feel better by making yourself the big man.

Anyone can throw an insult, be a man and walk away, all your doing is showing your own arrogance and immaturity.

If I were immature I would be throwing around far worse insults than anything ive said so far.

Arguing with someone on the internet is like running in the special Olympics.... even if you win, you're still a retard.

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Carebear style answer.

Also why do you have dead server in your signature?

Guys they don't shoot unarmed because they are "stopping him from progressing or dealing with a "soon to be threat" they do it because they can. Think about it logically. Killing a unarmed player sets him back a minute or two before he spawns. If he doesn't like his new spawn he can kill himself. The only places I found this to be justified is electro and cherno because there guns are so common he can find a lee enfeild in two seconds. Same with bolata airfield.

You are actually being a noob from my eyes lets look at the facts.

Ammo wasted=probably unless you REALLY needed a bandage/painkiller

noise=depending on the gun you just let everyone nearby know where you are.

Reputation=You may not know this but a bad reputation can actually screw you over. Specifically on private hives.

Threat=You may not think as him much of a threat but if he goes on sidechat and says "some idiot sniped me from hospital roof" now you are in trouble because people know where you are. Moving is always risky in electro/cherno. Or he could have a friend nearby. Often when I go bandit hunting I make my friend pose as a unarmed player and when bandits try to shoot them I snipe them with a dmr. The office in electro works great.

I doubt it was worth it. Also. HOW DID YOU NOTICE HIM TAKING YOUR SHIZZ MAN! A player kneels down every time they go into someones backpack and you didn't notice him going into your every time you stood still?

Ammo is not a problem because there is a lot of it and you can replenish it with bugs.

Noise, good if someone hear my shots and will come because i play for pvp not for hiding in forests which is also called "surviving"

Reputation, good if people know how dangerous and badass i am also every time i want to do some backstabs i can change my name in profile.

Edited by RomaTheBest

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I love all the dumb excuses people make. Afraid to admit that there is no point and they just feel like doing it.

Also Romathebest I have to address you because you made me lol.

You admit to using glitches to get more ammo...nice you must be pro.

Hiding in a forest IS how you survive. Don't be a idiot and run out in the open also if people hear the shots and come to you do you honestly think their going to run directly to you. No they will be intelligent and flank around.

"good if people know how dangerous and badass I am also every time i want do backstabs I can change name in profile."

Bro no one is going to think you are dangerous or badass for killing a unarmed player.... Oh and good luck in standalone where ammo is hard to get and can't be glitched and you can only have one profile name without having to delete your character...

Edited by harley001

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I love all the dumb excuses people make. Afraid to admit that there is no point and they just feel like doing it.

Also Romathebest I have to address you because you made me lol.

You admit to using glitches to get more ammo...nice you must be pro.

Hiding in a forest IS how you survive. Don't be a idiot and run out in the open also if people hear the shots and come to you do you honestly think their going to run directly to you. No they will be intelligent and flank around.

"good if people know how dangerous and badass I am also every time i want do backstabs I can change name in profile."

Bro no one is going to think you are dangerous or badass for killing a unarmed player.... Oh and good luck in standalone where ammo is hard to get and can't be glitched and you can only have one profile name without having to delete your character...

I thought you rage outed this thread but you changed your last message.

Everyone plays like he wants.

Mod is bugged like hell, i bet almost every player have used a glitch even if he didnt want to. For example, dayz scripts become working super slow after i looted someone(didnt happen to my friends), so i could run like a tank taking no damage from bullets because of this blood system(i took damage after 5-15 mins, anyway seems they have fixed it and i get damage faster when this glitch happens), zombies wont spawn or attack me etc.

Survive? For what? Surviving 1, 5, 10, 20... days, doesnt increase your resistance to damage or something like that. Avoiding any pvp is boring, at least for me.

And you think that i wont change my position after shooting?

Are you one of those developers of standalone? I think not.

Also, yes i am serious like serious sam but not a sam.

Edited by RomaTheBest

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Meh, it seems kind of boring to kill people who can't even injure you.

A waste of ammunition, if you ask me.

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I have 5 reasons for killing unarmed players

1. They would kill me if they had a weapon.

2. They attract a lot of unwanted attention

3. It is fun to shoot people in Dayz.

4. If you shoot them in the leg zombies stop following you.

5. I could always use more bandages and flashlights.

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Lately, I kill any player I have an advantage over, whatever that advantage may be. If they are unarmed, have their back turned to me, or trust me in any way, I will probably take a shot at them.

Every now and then, when I come across an unarmed player, I shoot them in the legs, bandage them, tell them to have a nice crawl, and stroll away. Much more entertaining than killing them.

I mean.... The other kid is definitely a coward but you're a snake and a turdburglar... I actually meant a sociopath. Honestly that first immature post about only being able to enjoy yourself knowing that you killed someone who has worked hard for their gear just goes to show, you have never achieved anything worth defending for. Sounds like you don't have any appreciation for hard work....

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I kill unarmed players because I can and want to. I don't need your altruistic condemnations or your shitty elitest atitudes. Just let me play the game without your bullshit opinions.

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As a new spawn, I once ran into the Elektro office building, and ran into another player who was fully geared. Why he was hanging around there I will never know but he didn't shoot me because I was unarmed. I found a Winchester on the roof and came back and shot him with it. I took his M4 CCO and all the other gear I didn't have yet, then I saw another player come inside. He shouted a friendly greeting and I could see that he was unarmed. He axed me in the back while I was taking out zombies.

This is why you always shoot on sight.

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I kill everyone in DayZ Friendly or unfriendly, Armed or Unarmed the only ones I don't fire at are the ones I know

Thats exactly what i do , never trust anyone you dont know in DayZ.

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Been killed multiple times on the coast, and almost again in elektro.. I recorded that...

For those who want to see.

That was one of my experiences in Elektro meeting with 2 mates.

Edited by Husky--

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