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Looking to join a group/clan

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My recent group has been pretty much disbanded, and I was hoping to either to join a group or laid back clan I can casually play with on the weekends. I can play a multitude of styles from sniper to CQB. I'm a fairly experienced player so I'd rather not play with entirely new people. And I generally take the game pretty seriously, but a bit of goofing around is cool once in a while (absolutely no teamkilling though). Also a few personal things about me in case anyone cares about that. I'm 16, enjoy many other games on PC and Xbox, as far as music goes I listen to a lot of hardcore punk, melodic hardcore, and some indie rock. If your interested just reply with some contact info.

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I usaly play on weekends too and take the game serious,Need more people to play with on weekends

Add me on skype?


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