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Playing on outdated servers

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Hey everyone, it seems like no one else has started this topic before so I guess I'm the one to do it.

Since the release of the v1.7.3 update not many servers have been updated yet. The server I play on is still running v1.7.2.6 where as I have updated to v1.7.3 and am unable to play on it. I noticed that when you try to join outdated servers you are able to fully load into the game and see your status bar and everything and then a second later a black screen pops up over your game and says something like "You are running the wrong version of Dayz_Code, the server is running an older version than you (v1.7.2.6)" despite the annoying black screen you can open your inventory and walk around and stuff like you're playing normally. So my question is; is there anyway to override that stupid black screen and get rid of it so it's possible to be able to play on an outdated server? Or do I have to downgrade? And If I do have to downgrade does anyone know the easiest way? The way I would do it is uninstall Arma2 from steam then reinstall the mod manually but that's a pain in the ass.

Thanks, hope someone can shine some light on this pain in the ass black screen. If we can load into the game fully why not be able to f****** play?

- jiveturkey43

Edited by jiveturkey43

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you can change versions in dayz commander as far as I know

Really? If that's true than PlayWithSix can go suck it. Thanks alot though. I'm downloading it now.

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Really? If that's true than PlayWithSix can go suck it. Thanks alot though. I'm downloading it now.

playwithsix is a piece of shit ;)

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Play with six has always been kindo of strange, no good features, and not exactly crystal clear user interface :D

DayZcommander is really sweet, and, like another person said, you can VERY EASY downgrade and upgrade however you want it. Really good feature!

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